300 Level Courses
BSCS-301 : Introduction to Computer Science - I Credit Hour (2+1)
An overview of Computer Science, Overview of computer system hardware and organization, Problem-solving methods and algorithms development, Program structure, Abstract data types, Simple data and file structures, Application development in a high level programming language that support modular design, An introduction to problem solving and algorithm development emphasizing program control structures, procedures, functions, data types, data structures, objects, methods and graphical user interfaces.
Recommended Books :
1. John Impagliazzo, Paul Nagin (1995). Computer Science : A breadth-First Approach with Pascal. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Glenn Brookershear. (1994) Computer Science : An Overview (Fourth Edition). The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc.
3. Nancy Stern, Robert A. Stern. (1994). Computing in the Information Age. John Wiley & Sons.
4. Ali Behforooz, Martin O. Holoein (1986). Problem Solving and Structured Programming with Pascal. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Monterey, California.
5. Cullen Schaffer (1988). Principles of Computer Science. Prentice-Hall International Inc. New Jersey, U.S.A.
BSCS-302 : Introduction to Computer Science - II Credit Hour (2+1)
Problem-Solving Concepts. Elements of the C Language. Computer Logic and Architecture. Functions and Control Structures. Operating Systems. Arrays. Data Communications. Pointers and Functions Parameters. Software Engineering. Data Structures. Databases. Dynamic Lists. Programming Languages. Recursive Algorithms. Searching and Sorting Algorithms. Numerical Algorithms. Theoretical Perspectives in Computing. Artificial Intelligence.
Recommended Books :
1. John Impagliazzo, Paul Nagin (1995). Computer Science : A breadth-First Approach with C. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Dale Schumacher (1994). Software Solutions in C. AP Professional.
3. Cullen Schaffer (1988). Principles of Computer Science. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. New Jersey, U.S.A.
4. John Gray, and Brian Wendl (1995). Programming in C. Chapman & Hall, London.
BSCS-303 (MATH) : Mathematics - I (Calculus) Credit Hour (3+0)
Elementary Concepts: Real numbers and its subsets. Distance. Inequalities involving real numbers and absolute values. Straight line. Circle, parabola, ellipse & hyperbola. Bounded sets & limit point of a set.
Functions & Continuity: Binary relations and functions. Algebra of functions. Graphs of functions. Limits, one-sided and two sides. Some special limits. Continuity. Properties of limits of functions and of continuous functions. Inverse functions.
Differentiation : Tangent lines & rates of changes. Derivable function, derivative. Techniques of differentiation. The Chain Rule and Implicit, differentiation. Differentials. Higher order derivatives, Leibuitz Rule.
Application of Differentiation : Increasing & decreasing functions, concavity. Local or relative Extrema, First and second derivative test. Sketching of graphs. Newton’s Method of root finding. Rolle’s Theorem and Mean value Theorem. Taylor’s & Maclaurin’s expansion.
Techniques of Integration : The antiderivative. Basic Integration Formulae/Techniques. Integration by parts. Various substitutions. Integration of rational & irrational functions. Numerical Integration, Simpson’s Rule.
Recommended Books :
1. Anton (1994). Calculus with Analytic Geometry. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. Salas, Satunino L., Hille, Einar; Etgen, Garrett (1995). Calculus One : Single Variable. 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
BSCS-304 (MATH) : Mathematics-II (Differential Equations) Credit Hour (3+0)
First Order Linear Equations. Higher Order Linear Equations. Series Solutions of Second Order Linear Equations. The Laplace Transform. Systems of First Order Linear Equations. Numerical Methods.
Recommended Books :
1. William E. Boyce (1997). Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. John Wiley, Singapore
2. Boyce, W and Diprima, R.C. (1994). Elementary Differential Equations. 5th edition. John Wiley, Singapore.
BSCS-305 (STAT) : Statistics and Data Analysis Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Statistics; Population and Sample Data summarization, some illustrative application in science and technology. Statistics in Decision making. Data collection and computers. Summation sign and relevant properties.
Descriptive Statistics; Tabular and graphic representation. Classification of data. Scales of measurements. Summarization of quantitative and qualitative data. Exploratory data analysis. Stem-and-lead plot, box plot, box-cox plots. Histograms and ogives Review of elementary statistics packages. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion for ungrouped and grouped data. Moments skewsness, kurtosis with real life examples.
Counting techniques. Experiments and all sample space with illustrations. Definition of probability with classical, relative frequency and subjective approaches. Events and their laws of probabilities, conditional probability and Bayes theorem with applications.
Recommended Books :
1. David R. Anderson, Dennis, J. Sweeney and Thomas A. Williams (1990). Statistics. West Publishing Company, New York.
2. J.S. Milton and Jesse C. Arnold (1986). Probability and Statistics in the Engineering and Computing Sciences. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
3. Terry Sincich (1990). Business Statistics by Examples. Maxwell Macmillan International Edition, New Jersey.
4. Duncan Cramer (1994). Introducing Statistics for Social Sciences. (step by step calculation and computer techniques using SPSS). Routledge, London and New York.
5. William Mendelhall and Terry Sincich (1992). Statistics for Engineering and Computer Science. McMillan Asia Edition. Singapore.
6. G.M. Clark and D. Cooke (1992). A Basic Course in Statistics. Arnold.
BSCS-306 (STAT) : Probability and Statistical Methods Credit Hour (2+1)
Random variables. Discrete and continuous probability distributions (Point binomial, binomial, poission, geometric, negative binomial and hyper geometric distributions). Uniform, normal, exponential, gamma distribution. Estimation of parameters by the method of moments and maximum likelihood. Testing of Hypothesis. Z-test, t-test, ?2-test, Analysis variance. Regression and Correlation.
Recommended Books :
1. David R. Anderson, Dennis, J. Sweeney and Thomas A. Williams (1990). Statistics. West Publishing Company, New York.
2. J.S. Milton and Jesse C. Arnold (1986). Probability and Statistics in the Engineering and Computing Sciences. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
3. Duncan Cramer (1994). Introducing Statistics for Social Sciences. (step by step calculation and computer techniques using SPSS). Routledge, London and New York.
BSCS-307 (PHY) : Physics - I (General Physics) Credit Hour (2+1)
Physical quantities, International system of units, Scalars and vectors, Vector algebra, Scalar and Vector products. Newton’s laws of motion, Work and energy, Kinetic energy and Work - Energy theorem, Power, Centre of Mass, Centre of mass and translational motion, Rotational motion, Rotational variables, Rotational inertia of solids, Angular momentum of particles, Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion, Gravitation.
Zeroth, First, Second and Third laws of thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible processes, The Carnot cycle and Entropy.
Electromagnetic waves, Wave and particle properties of light, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization. Role of waves as information carrier, oscillation & concept of feedback.
Recommended Books :
1. David Halliday., Robert Resnick and K.S. Krane (1992). Physics Vol. 1 & 2. John Wiley & Sons.
2. R.E. Sontag and G.J. Van Wylen (1991). Introduction to Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons.
3. W.P. Crummett and A.B. Western (1994). University Physics (Models and Applications). Wm. C. Brown Publishers.
BSCS-308 (PHY) : Physics-II (Electricity and Magnetism) Credit Hour (2+1)
Electric charge and Coulomb’s law, Electric field, Guass’s law, Capacitor, Capacitance and dieelectrics, Combinations of Capacitors, Current, Resistance, Resistivety and Conductivity, Ohm’s law, Dependence of resistance on temperature, Microscopic Models of resistance, Energy Band model of conductivity, Combinations of resistors, Voltage and E.M.F. Magnetic field, Lorentz force, Biot – Savart law, Ampere’s law, Gauss’s law for magnetism, Magnetic materials. Inductance, Reactance and impedance, Transformer. Photoelectric effect.
Galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter, Cathode ray oscilloscope.
Recommended Books :
1. Robert Resnick, David Halliday and Kenneth S. Krane (1992). Physics Vol. 1 & 2. John Wiley & Sons.
2. W.J. Duffin (1988). Electricity and Magnetism. McGraw Hill.
3. P.M. Whelam and M.J. Hodgson (1992). Essential Principles of Physics. John Murray.
BSCS-309 (ENG) : English Credit Hour (3+0)
Vocabulary building :
synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, cross word puzzles and word targets, English word formation rules: suffixes, prefixes, compounding, abbreviations, etc.
Listening and speaking skills through discussions on relevant topics.
Reading skills:
Skimming, scanning and understanding concepts such as, classification, comparison, cause and effect, definition, hypothesis, exemplification, etc.
Writing skills:
Writing sentences to form paragraphs to create unified discourse. Students must be able to express themselves through effective writing..
Grammar :
Passive voice, tenses, subordination, sentence elements and types of sentences.
Recommended Books :
1. Franz Zimmermann (1989). English for Science. Prentice Hall International, Inc. London.
BSCS-310 (ENG) : English Credit Hour (3+0)
Reading skills :
More advanced and faster reading.
Writing skills :
Controlled and guided writing to free writing. Writing formal and informal letters. Writing technical reports.
Grammar :
Detailed study of Tenses, Time sequence, Conditionals. Simple, complex, compound and compound complex sentences. Remedial work in grammar.
Recommended Books :
Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford Press
*BSCS-311 (ISL/PKS) : Islamic Learning & Pakistan Studies Credit Hour (3)
*BSCS-312 (URD) : Urdu Credit Hour (3+0)
* The contents of these courses are same as taught in B.Sc. classes.
400 Level Courses
BSCS-401 : Digital Computer Design Fundamentals Credit Hour (2+1)
Digital Logic Circuits, Integrated Circuits and Digital Functions, Data Representation, Register Transfer and Micro-Operations, Basic Computer Organization and Design, Computer Software, Central Processor Organization, Microprogram Control Organization, Arithmetic Processor Design, Arithmetic Algorithms, Input-Output Organization, Memory Organization.
Recommended Books :
1. M. Morris Mano (1992). Computer System Architecture. (10th Edition). Prentice-Hall International, Inc. London.
2. R. Dowsing and F. Woodbam (1989). Computers : From Logic to Architecture. Thomas Computer Press, London.
3. Mcalla (1992). Digital Computer Fundamental Digital Logic.
BSCS-402 : Data Structure Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction, Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure, Data Structure Operations, Algorithms, Preliminaries, String Processing, Arrays, Records and Pointers, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Recursion, Trees, Graphs and their Applications, Sorting and Searching.
Recommended Books :
1. Mark Allen Weiss (1993). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C. The Penjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. U.K.
2. Mark Allen Weiss (1992). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis. The Penjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. U.K.
3. Lipschutz, S. (1986). Theory and Problems of Data Structures. Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
BSCS-403 : Assembly Language Programming Credit Hour (2+1)
Introducing Assembly Language, Data Representation. Assembly Language Fundamentals: Data Definition Directives, Data Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Addressing Modes, Program Structure. The Macro Assembler : The Assembly Process, Related Files, Equates, Operators and Expressions, Transfer-of-Control Instructions, Using the 80386 Processor, Debugging Workshop. Input-Output Services, Conditional Processing, Arithmetic, Numeric Conversions and Libraries, String Processing, Macros and Structures, Disk Storage, File Processing, High-Level Linking.
Recommended Books :
1. Kip R. Irvine (1993). Assembly Language for the IBM-PC. 2nd Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
2. Duntemann (1992). Assembly Language : Step-By-Step. John Wiley, New York.
3. Peter Abel (1995). IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming.. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall International.
BSCS-404 : System Design with Microprocessor Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Microprocessor, Processor Arithmetic, Fundamentals of General Architecture of Microprocessors, Internals of microprocessors, Microprocessor instructions, Communicating with Microprocessors, Intel X86 family architecture, Concepts of Microcontrollers, Memory concepts (RAM, ROM, EPROM, Cache, DMA, Paging etc. and related concepts), Mass storage, Serial and Parallel I/O, Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital to Analog interfaces, Developing Microprocessor based products.
Recommended Books :
1. Gilmore, Charles M. (1994). Microprocessors : Principles and Applications. GLENCOE McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Zizzos, D., and J.C. Bathory (1978). System Design with Microprocessors. Academic Press London.
3. 16/32-Bit Microprocessors : 68000/68010/68020 Software, Hardware, and Design Applications.
4. Brey, Barry B. (1993). The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture, Programming and Interfacing. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
5. Tabak, Daniel (1995). Advanced Microprocessors. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.
BSCS-405 (MATH) : Mathematics-III (Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry Credit Hour (3+0)
Topics in Analytical Geometry. Polar coordinates and parametric equations. Matrices and system of Linear Equations. Determination. Vector spaces and linear transformations. Eigenvalues.
Recommended Books :
1. Howard Anton (1994). Calculus with Analytic Geometry. John Wiley, Singapore.
2. P. Cohn (1994). Elements of Linear Algebra, Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
3. S.M. Yousuf and M. Amin (1995). Calculus with Analytical Geometry. Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
BSCS-406 (MATH) : Mathematics (Numerical Analysis and Computing)
Credit Hour (2+1)
Mathematical Preliminaries, Solution of Equations in one variable, Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems, Iterative Techniques in Matrix Algebra, Solution of non-linear equations. Approximation Theory.
Recommended Books :
1. Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley (1994). Applied Numerical Analysis. Addisson-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
2. Terrence J. Akai (1994). Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
3. Paul L. DeVries (19940. A First Course in Computational Physics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
4. Richard L. Burden, and J. Douglas Faires (1989). Numerical Analysis. PWS-KENT Publishing Company, Bostan, Massachusetts.
BSCS-407 : Communication Skills and Report Writing Credit Hour (3+0)
Importance of Effective Communication in Business, The Process of Communication and Miscommunication: Elements of Communication, Business Communication Principles, Business Communication Principles, The Process of Preparing Effective Business Messages, Direct Requests, The Written Job Presentation, Business Reports : Types, Preparation, Organization, Presentation. Exercises on Writing better computer documents..
Recommended Books :
1. Herta A. Murphy, and Herbert W. Hildebrandt ( ). Effective Business Communications.
2. Brockman (1990). Writing Better Computer User Documentation : From Paper to Hypertext Version. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
BSCS-408 : Object Oriented Programming Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction, What is Object-Oriented Programming? Object-Oriented Programming Applications, Stream I/O, Error Handling, Classes, Objects, Overloading, Constructors, Destructors, Derived Classes, Methods, Passing Objects, Sample Application.
Recommended Books :
1. Parsons, David (1995) Object-Oriented Programming with C++. BPB Publications, New Delhi
2. Smith, Norman E. (1992). Object-Oriented Programming using Turbo C. BPB Publications, New Delhi.
BSCS-409 : Materials, Semiconductors and Devices Credit Hour (2+1)
Materials : Crystalline and non-crystalline solids, Energy bands in solids, Types of materials, Metals, Semiconductors, Imperfections in solids..
Semiconductors : Extrinsic and Intrinsic semiconductors, Conductivities of semiconductors, Important semiconductors, Effect of temperature on semiconductors, Semiconductor growth, cutting, diffusion. Liquid Crystals.
Devices : PN junction, Semiconductor diode and Zener diode, Bipolar transistors, Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). Solar Cells. Display Devices. Integrated Circuits (ICs).
Recommended Books :
1. James F. Shackelford (1990). Introduction to Materials Science. Maxwell Macmillan International.
2. J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawks (1989). Optoelectronics. Prentice Hall International.
3. James W. Mayer and S.S. Lau. (1990). Electronic Materials Science. Maxwell Macmillan International.
BSCS-410 : Electronics Credit Hour (2+1)
Electron emission, Types of electron emission.
Rectifiers: Current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor diode, Diode as rectifier, Half wave and full wave rectifiers, Ripple factors, filter circuits.
Amplifiers : Transistor baising, Amplification, Transistor as an amplifier, Load line, amplifier gain, voltage and power amplifiers.
Oscillators : From amplifier to an oscillator, A simple oscillator, Standard oscillator types.
Modulation and Demodulation, Controls.
Switches : Switch, Diode switch, Switching action of transistor. Basic passive logic, logic level concepts, logic functions and Boolean algebra.
Optoelectronics : Laser, LEDs, Detector, Optical fibre.
Recommended Books :
1. William L. Faissler (1991). Modern Electronics. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Albert Paul Malvino (1993). Electronic Principles. Glencoe.
3. Robert J. Schoenbeck (1992) Electronic Communications. Maxwell Macmillan International.
4. J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes (1989). Optoelectronics. Prentice Hall International.
BSCS-411 (MATH) : Discrete Mathematics Credit Hour (3+0)
Sets, Logic, : Propositions Logic, Predicate Logic, Mathematical Induction, Equivalence Relation and Partitions, Functions, Divisibility in the Integers & Congruences, The Binomial Theorem & Relation in Computer Science, Counting, Recurrence Relations, Matrices and Order Relations, Trees, Graphs. The Euchidean Algorithms, Fibonacci Numbers, Congruences and Equivalence Relations. Encryption Schemes.
Recommended Books :
1. H.F. Mattson, Jr. (1993). Discrete Mathematics with Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
2. Michael O. Albertson and J. Hutchinson (1988). Discrete Mathematics with Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons. Singapore.
BSCS-412 : Software Engineering and Project Management Credit Hour (2+1)
Software and Software Engineering, Project Management,: Software Metrics, Project Management : Estimation, Project Management : Planning, Computer System Engineering, Requirements Analysis Fundamentals, Structured Analysis and Extensions, Object-Oriented Analysis and Data Modeling, Alternative Analysis Techniques and Formal Methods.
Recommended Books :
1. Pressman, Rogers S. (1992). Software Engineering : A Practitioner’s Approach. McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Mayrhauser, Anneliese von (1990). Software Engineering: Methods and Management. Academic Press Inc. New York.
3. Neal Whitten (1996). Managing Software Development Projects. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.
500 Level Courses
BSCS-501 : Theory of Computer Science Credit Hour (2+1)
Automata Theory : Language, Recursive Definitions, Regular Expressions. Finite Automata. Transition Graphs. Kleen’s Theorem. Non determination. Finite automata without output. Regular Languages. Decideability. Pushdown Automata Theory : Context-Free Grammars. Trees. Regular Grammars. Chomsky Normal Form. Pushdown automata. CFG-PDA. Context Free Languages. Non Context Free Languages. Intersection and complement. Parsing. Decideability. Turning Theory : Turning Machines. Post Machines. Minsky’s Theorem. Variation on the TM. Recursive Enumerable languages. The Encoding of Turning Machines. The Chomsky Hierarchy Computers.
Recommended Books :
1. Daniel I.A. Cohem (1991). Introduction to Computer Theory. Revised Edition. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. D. Wood (1986). Theory of Computation : A Primer. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. John Carroll and Darrel Long (1989). Theory of Finite Automata : With an introduction to Formal Languages. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
4. Martin (1997). Introduction to Theory of Languages and Theory of Computation. McGraw Hill.
BSCS-502 : Concepts of Operating Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Operating System, Hardware, Software, Firmware, Process Concepts, Asynchronous Concurrent Processes, Concurrent Programming, Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement, Real Storage, Virtual Storage Organization, Virtual Storage Management, Job and Processor Scheduling.
Recommended Books :
1. Harvey M. Deitel (1992). An Introduction to Operating Systems. 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
2. Silberschatz and Galvin (1991). Operating Systems Concepts. Addison-Wesley, New York.
3. W. Stallings (1993). Operating System. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, New York.
4. Tannenbaum (1993). Modern Operating Systems. Prentice Hall, New York.
5. Stephen J. Hartley (1995). Operating System Programming : The SR Programming Language. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
6. Ida Flynn and D.M. McHoes (1991). Understanding Operating Systems. Thomson Computer Press, London.
BSCS-503 : Data Communication and Networking-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Data Communication concepts and alternatives : Trends in Computer Communication and networks. Messages, Characteristics, bit streams, symbols and waveforms. Type of transmissions (Digital/Analog, Serial/Parallel, Simplex/Half-Duplex/Full Duplex). Synchronous/Asynchronous. Parity/CRC/LRC/EDC/ARQ.
Communication Media : Electrical cable, Fibre-optic cable, Free-space optical links, Radio and microwave links, satellite relay, cableless LANs.
Modems and Multiplexers. Network topologies, Switching and access control. Layered network architectures. Interface standards, Local Area Networks (LAN) and their classes (broadband, CSMA/CD, token bus, token ring, fibre-optic, low-cost LANs for PCs). Review and implementation of LAN software.
Wide Area Networks (WAN) standards and protocols. High speed LAN & WAN. Communication security, Passive and active attacks, system penetration and dial-up systems. Protection, Encryption and Trusted Networks.
Networks Implementation : Requirement and Design, System Integration, Protection, reconfiguration, Network Management and Testing. Review and implementation of relevant softwares.
Recommended Books :
1. Free, J.R. (1996). Computer Communications and Networks. UCL Press Limited, University College London, London.
2. Halsall, F. (1994). Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
BSCS-504 : Compiler Construction-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Properties of programming Languages. Notation and concepts for Languages and Grammars, review of Set Theory and Directed Graphs, Classification of Grammars, Regular Grammar and finite automata, Context free Grammar and Pushdown automata. Lexical Analysis. Top down parsing and Bottom-up parsing. Semantic Analysis. Code Generation. Error handling : Semantic, syntatic, lexical and runtime errors. Compiler writing aids/tools: yacc, awk, lex etc.
Recommended Books :
1. William M. Waite, Gerhard Goos (1985). Compiler Construction. Springa Verlag, New York.
2. P.M. Lewis II, D.J. Rosenkrantz, R.E. Stearns (1978). Compiler Design Theory. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Qntorio, Canada.
3. Arther B. Pyster; Ph.D. (1980). Compiler Design & Construction. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York.
4. Ronald Mak (1991). Writing Compilers & Interpreters : An applied approach. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.
5. Jean-Paul Tremblay., Paulg Sorenson (1985). The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing. McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.
6. Fisher (1994). Constructing a Compiler with C. Addition Wiley.
BSCS-505 : Stochastic Process and Inference Credit Hour (2+1)
Preliminaries. Stochastic Process Definitions. The Poisson Processes (Homogenous, Non-homogenous) Markov Chains, Martingles, Random Walks, Brownian Motion. Queues, Queuing Theory Models of Computer System. Statistical Inference : Point Estimation, Interval Estimation. Estimating Queuing System Parameters. Testing of Hypothesis : Tests Concerning Means, Variances and Goodness of fit. Markovian Algorithms for data compression.
Recommended Books :
1. Sheldon Ross (1996). Stochastic Process. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. Bouleau (1993). Numerical Methods for Stochastic Process. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. Arnold O. Allen (1978). Probability, Statistics and Queuing Theory : With Computer Science Applications. Academic Press, New York.
4. Tijms, H.C. (1995). Stochastic Models : An Algorithmic Approach. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
BSCS-506 : Modeling and Simulation Credit Hour (2+1)
Models, experiments and Computer Simulation : Statistical aspects, Time handling, stochastic/deterministic modeling, Discrete event modeling, Event, activity and process approach to modeling. Software tools for discrete simulation. Object Oriented approach to Simulation. Simulation of Computer Network. Recent Trends and New Development for Simulation and Monte Carlo Experiments.
Recommended Books :
1. Michael Pidd (1988). Computer Simulation in Management Sciences. John Wiley & Sons. Singapore.
2. Ripley, B.D. (1987). Stochastic Simulation. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. Les Oakshott (1997). Business Modeling and Simulation. Pitman Publishing, London.
4. Matthev, N.O., Sadikn and Mohammad Ilyas (1994). Simulation of Local Area Networks. CRC Press, London.
BSCS-507 : Operations Research-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction : Definitions of Operation Research, Decision Models, Types of models, phases of Operations Research Study, O.R. and Software Engineering, and hardware problems and modeling with examples.
Mathematical Modeling : Linear Programming (Graphical, Simplex method, Duality, Sensitivity and Parametric analysis), Transportation and Assignment problems with applications. Integer Programming Branch-and-Bound, Cutting plane, the fractional and mixed algorithms and their implementations.
Recommended Books :
1. Taha, H.A. (1992). Operations Research : An Introduction. 5th edition. Prentice-Hall, New York.
2. Gillette, B.E. (1985). Introduction to Operations Research. : A Computer Oriented Approach. (THM edition). THM-McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
3. Hillier and Lieberman (1990). Introduction to Operations Research. 4th edition. Holden-Day, Inc. California.
BSCS-508 : Operations Research-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Network Models, Dynamic Programming with applications in Business Information Systems and Computer Science, Project Management : PERT-CPM with application in Software Engineering, Queuing Models : Poisson Process, Interarrival time distribution, Pure birth and death models with applications in Computer Systems. M/M specialized queuing systems with applications. Markov chains and data compression algorithm. Stochastic Petri network with applications in Computer Science.
Recommended Books :
1. Taha, H.A. (1992). Operations Research : An Introduction. 5th edition. Prentice-Hall, New York.
2. Gillette, B.E. (1985). Introduction to Operations Research. : A Computer Oriented Approach. (THM edition). THM-McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
3. Hillier and Lieberman (1990). Introduction to Operations Research. 4th edition. Holden-Day, Inc. California.
4. Thomas W. Parson (1995). Introduction to Algorithms in Pascal. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. (This book discusses some advanced algorithms useful for Operations Research) Chapter 9-12.
BSCS-509 : Database Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introductory Database concepts. Design of Logical Models : Database Planning, Physical Data Organization, Data Architecture, The Entity-Relationship Model, The Relational Model, Normalization.
Design of the Physical Model : Relational Database Management System, The Network Model, The Hierarchical Model, Semantic Models. Fundamentals of Distributed Databases, The Object Oriented DBMS. Implementation Issues : Concurrency Control and Recovery, Security and Integrity, Query Optimization, Review of DBMS software and recent development and implementation exercises. KBMS (Knowledge-Based Management Systems). (Review of Oracle, Informix and Sybase with implementations).
Recommended Books :
1. Ricardo, C. (1990). Database Systems :
2. Fortier, Paul J. (1997). Database Systems. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Date, C.J. (1994). An Introduction to Database Systems, Third Edition, Vol. 1. Narosa Publication House, New Delhi.
4. D. Mason (1993). Introduction to Oracle and SQL. Chapman & Hall, London.
5. D.S. Bowers (1992). From Data to Database. 2nd Edition. Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
BSCS-510 : Microcomputer Design and Interfacing-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Overview of digital computers development. Computer design principles. Design of processors, instructions sets, memory systems, cache interface. RISC principles. Principles of piplining hazards. Instruction level parallelism, super scalar and super pipeline systems. Review and new trends in RISC type systems.
Recommended Books :
1. Daniel Tubak (1993). Advanced Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
2. C.M. Gilmore (1994). Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Brey, Barry B. (1993). The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture, Programming and Interfacing. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
4. J.C. Heudin, and C. Panelto (1992). RISC Architecture. Chapman & Hall, London.
BSCS-511 : Computer Organization and Architecture Credit Hour (2+1)
Basic structure of Computer Hardware and Software, Addressing Methods and Machine Program Sequencing with examples of processors from 68000 family etc. and Power PC. The Processing Unit, I/O organization. The Memory : RAM, ROM (speed, size, cots) Cache Memories and performance considerations. Virtual memories. Memory management requirements. Pipelining with examples of CISC, RISC, and stack processors. Computer Peripherals : I/O devices, On-line storage, Disk Access considerations, Communication line considerations. Types of Parallel processing, Multiprocessors and their memory organization.
Recommended Books :
1. Hamacher, V.C., Z.G. Vranesic and S.G. Zaky (1996). Computer Organization. (International edition, 4th edition). McGraw Hill Company, Inc. Singapore.
2. Patterson, D.A., J.L. Hennessy (1994). Computer Organization and Design — The Hardware Interface. Morgan Kaufman, San Mateo, Calif.
3. Hyes, J.P. (1988). Computer Architecture and Organization. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Company, New York.
4. James, R. Goodman and Karen Miller (1993). A Programmer’s View of Computer Architecture. Saunders College Publishing, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, New York.
5. J. Passafiume (1984). Digital Logic Design : Tutorial and Laboratory Exercises. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (for practical only).
BSCS-512 : Data Communication and Networking-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Internetworking : Architecture, Networks Layer Structure, Internet Protocol Standards, Internet IP, Open Systems : Transport protocol. Application-Support & Application-Specific protocols. TCP/IP & ISO application protocols. (TCP/IP and architecture, layers, utilities, administration, ONC/NFS, Open Network Computing, Network File System).
Recommended Books :
1. Halsall, F. (1994). Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
2. Stallings, W. (1994). Data and Computer Communications. Maxwell McMillan International, New York.
3. Santifaller, M. (1994). TCP/IP and ONC/NFS : Internetworking in a UNIXTM Environment. Addison-Wesley, Singapore.
4. James E. Goldman (1995). Applied Data Communications : A Business-Oriented Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.
BSCS-513 : Advanced Numerical Computing Credit Hour (2+1)
Eigenvalues and Eigenvector computation. Fourier and Fast Four Transformation Computations Design and analysis of digital and analog filters and applications in signal processing. Computer Simulation of signals and systems using MATLAB or MATHEMATICA.
Recommended Books :
1. C.F. Gerald and P.O. Wheatley (1994). Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-Wesley.
2. Dr. John Penny, George Lindfield (1995)Numerical Methods using MATLAB. Ellis Horwood.
BSCS-514 : Computer Graphics Credit Hour (2+1)
Visualization : Visualization Paradigm for seeing, understanding, and effective communications. The technological basis of visualization (Hardware, Software, Firmware and standards). Programming Environments (Graphical objects and OOP : Object-Oriented Programming). Features of GUI (Graphic User Interface), Interaction Algorithms.
N-Dimensional Graphics : One-dimensional graphics : Translation and scaling, coordinates and transformation, Windows, Viewports, and Clipping. Two-dimensional Graphic representation and implementation. Three-dimensional graphics fundamentals : Moving from 2D to 3D, Representation, Transformations and Projections for 3D graphics.
Recommended Books :
1. Firebanch, M.W. (1993). Computer Graphics : Tools for Visualization. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Oxford England.
2. Hearn, D. And M.P. Baker (1994). Computer Graphics. Prentice Hall, International, Inc.
3. Hills, Jr., F.S. (1990). Computer Graphics. Macmillan Publishing Compnay, New York.
4. Leendert Ammeraal (1992). Programming Principles in Computer Graphics. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
BSCS-515 : Artificial Intelligence Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence methods & techniques, Useful tools for artificial intelligence. Problems & problem solving methods, Production system, Control strategies, Heuristic Search & Functions, Knowledge representation & the frame problem. Prolog Programming Techniques. Recent trends and new developments.
Recommended Books :
1. Cohen, D., and E.A. Feigenbaum (1987). Handbook of Artificial Intelligence. Pitman Books, London.
2. Bonnet, A. and jack Howlett (1985). Artificial Intelligence. Prentice Hall International.
3. Rich, E. (1987). Artificial Intelligence. McGraw Hill, New York.
4. T. Van Le (1992). Techniques of Prolog Programming with Implementation of Logical Negation and Quantified Goals. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
BSCS-517 : System Analysis & Design Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to System Analysis & Design, Techniques in Data Processing applications. Feasibility Investigation, Feasibility Report. (Investigation, models, designs, effectiveness procedures), System Layout, Preparation and handling of Data. Data specification, File Organization, File Specifications, System Flowcharts, Programming techniques, Program specifications, Test Data, System Test, Systems Projection. System’s Implementation, Maintenance and Review. Case Study.
Recommended Books :
1. Robert J. Thierouf ( ). System Analysis & Design.. “A Case Study Approach”. Charless Merrill Publishing Company.
2. John M. Fitz, Gerald Andra F., and Fitz Gerald ( ). Fundamentals of System Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company.
3. John G. Burch (1992). System Analysis and Design. Thomson Computer Press, London.
4. M.L. Gibson and C.T. Hughes (1994). System Analysis and Design : A comprehensive methodology with CASE. Thomson Computer Press, London.
5. William S. Davis (1994). Business Systems Analysis and Design. Thomson Computer Press, Glasgow.
BSCS-519 : Business Programming Languages Credit Hour (2+1)
An overview of structured Programming techniques, Structure of COBOL Programs, Records, Files and Table handling, Sequential, Indexed sequential and Relative File Processing. Sorting & Merging Files, Subprograms and Nested Programs. Other advanced COBOL features. COBOL/RPG in AS/400 environment. Microsoft/Microfocus COBOL. COBOL/RPG in prevailing computing environments for business and industry.
Recommended Books :
1. A.S. Phillippakis Leonard J. Kazmier (1986). Structured COBOL. McGraw Hill.
2. A.S. Phillippakis Leonard J. Kazmier (1986). Information System through COBOL. McGraw Hill.
3. Nancy Stren and Robert A. Stren (1993). Structured COBOL Programming. 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. D.D. McCracken (1990). Simplified Structured COBOL with Microsoft/Microfocus COBOL. John Wiley, New York. (or most recent version).
BSCS-520 : Advanced Software Engineering Credit Hour (2+1)
Software Fundamentals, Data Flow-Oriented Design, Object-Oriented Design, Data-Oriented Design Methods, User Interface Design, Real-Time Design, Programming Languages and Coding, Software Quality Assurance, Software Testing Techniques, Software Testing Strategies, Software Maintenance, Software Configuration Management, Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Integrated Case Environments, Documentation Management. Recent trends and development.
Recommended Books :
1. Pressman, Rogers S. (1992). Software Engineering : A Practitioner’s Approach. McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Mayrhauser, Anneliese von (1990). Software Engineering : Methods and Management. Academic Press Inc. New York.
3. JoAnn T. Hackos (1994). Managing Your Documents. John Wiley, New York.
4. G. Lindgaad (1994). Usability, Testing and System Evaluations. Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
BSCS-522 : Expert Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Expert Systems, Heuristic Search, The Architecture of Expert Systems, Components of an Expert Systems, The Social impact of Expert Systems, Evaluating an Expert Systems, Fuzzy reasoning systems, How to build an inference engine, Knowledge engineering, Machine learning strategies, Natural language interface, Formal and Informal methods, TURBO PROLOG and LISP. Review of recent developments and new trends.
Recommended Books :
1. Richard Forsyth (1987). Expert Systems. Chapman and Hall.
2. A. Bonnet, J.P. Hoton, J.M. Troung-Ngoc (1988). Expert Systems. Prentice Hall International.
3. A.C. Gillis (1991). The Integration of Expert System into Mainstream Software. Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
4. Koschmann (1990). The Common LISP Companion, John Wiley, Singapore.
600 Level Courses
BSCS-601 : Theory of Operating Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Distributed Computing : The Parallel Computation View, Disk Performance Optimization, File and Database Systems, Performance Coprocessors, RISC, and Data Flow, Analytic Modeling, Distributed Computing : The Open Systems Interconnection View, Operating System Security. Network Operating Systems.
Recommended Books :
1. Harvey M. Deitel (1992). An Introduction to Operating Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
2. William Stallings (1996). Operating Systems. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, New York.
3. A.S. Tannenhaum (1993). Modern Operating Systems. Prentice Hall, New York.
BSCS-602 : Operating Systems Case Study Credit Hour (2+1)
UNIX System : History, The Shell, The Kernel, The File System, Process Management, Memory Management, The Input-Output System, The SunOS Operating System, Distributed UNIX Systems, UNIX Systems Standardization and Open Systems, The Future of UNIX Systems, Derivatives of UNIX such as LINUX, X-Windows Systems, Recent Development. Windows Operating Systems, Apple Macintosh : Macos (Macintosh Operating Systems). OS/400 and Recent Development.
Recommended Books :
1. Lewell, J. Arthur (1994). UNIX-Shell Programming. 3rd Edition. John Wiley, Singapore.
2. Patrice Gapen, Catherine Stuoghton (1993). Using the AS/400 : An introduction. Thomson Computer Press, London.
3. Robert W. Janson (1994). Programmer’s Guide to the AS/400. Thomson Computer Press, London.
4. Robert W. Janson (1994). Introduction to the AS/400. Thomson Computer Press, London.
5. Bruce H. Hunter, Karen Bradford Hunter (1994). Unix Networks : An overview for system administrators. PTR Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
BSCS-603 : Compiler Construction-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Formal languages, Lexical Analysis, Token, lexical tables, generating lexical analyzer using lex utility. Syntax analyser, context free grammar, Designing and presenting grammar for a programming language, Bottom up parsing, generating parser using yace. Code generating, converting atom to instructions, single pass/multiple pass code generation, Register allocation.
Recommended Books :
1. Seth R. Bengamin (1994). Compiler Design : Theory, Tools & Examples. Wm C. Brown Publishers, Oxford, England.
2. William M. Waite, Gerhard Goos (1985). Compiler Construction. Springa Verlag, New York.
3. P.M. Lewis II, D.J. Rosenkrantz, R.E. Stearns (1978). Compiler Design Theory. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Qntorio, Canada.
4. Arther B. Pyster; Ph.D. (1980). Compiler Design & Construction. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York.
5. Ronald Mak (1991). Writing Compilers & Interpreters : An applied approach. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.
6. Jean-Paul Tremblay., Paulg Sorenson (1985). The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing. McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.
BSCS-604 : Natural Language Processing Credit Hour (2+1)
Intelligence in understanding language, Machine Translation syntax : Fromal languages, context free grammar and languages, Parsers, Semantics and Representation : Lexicons, Representing events and frames, scripter, semantic primitives. The semantics of Quantity, Time, and Space and Knowledge & Belief. Computing Interpretation Semantic Grammars, Transition Networks. Dialog Management, Natural Language understanding system and programming with examples.
Turning Machinges and Language Theory. Fixed Point Principles in Language Theory. Parsing. The Formal Description of Natural Languages. Recent Trends in Linguistic Theory.
Recommended Books :
1. Robert N. Moll, M.A. Arbib and A.J. Kfoury (1988). An Introduction to Formal Language Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York.
2. S.L. Tanimoto (1987). The Elements of Artificial Intelligence. Computer Science, Press. Rockville, Maryland.
BSCS-605 : Advanced Computer Graphics Credit Hour (2+1)
Three Dimension Graphics : Geometric modeling and visibility with the synthetic camera, Clipping in 3D, Hidden Surface Algorithm. A Simple Reflection Model, Interpolative Shading Techniques, Color Models, Surface Rendering : Ray Tracing, Radiosity Rendering Tools.
Fractals : The Fractal geometry of nature, Linear Replacement Mapping, Iterated Function Systems, Complex Plane Mapping, Stochastic Fractals. Applications of Fractals. Computer Animation. Designing GUIs : Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software Systems/Tools for Design and Engineering.
Recommended Books :
1. Firebaugh, M.W. (1993). Computer Graphics : Tools for Visualization. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Oxford England.
2. Hearn, D. And M.P. Baker (1994). Computer Graphics. Prentice Hall, International, Inc.
3. Hills, Jr., F.S. (1990). Computer Graphics. Macmillan Publishing Compnay, New York.
BSCS-606 : Distributed Database Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Distributed Systems : Processing functions, storage of databases, system control. Advanced topics in distributed data and knowledge base systems : architecture, database design; query processing and optimization, concurrency; recovery. Techniques for supporting heterogeneous database systems and cooperative information systems.
Recommended Books :
1. T. Tamer, Ozsu, P. Viladuriez (1991). Principles of Distributed Database Systems. Prentice-Hall, London.
2. Ceri, S. Pelagatti, G. (1984). Distributed Databases : Principles and Systems. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Coulouris, G.F. and Dollimore, J.B. (1988). Distributed Systems : Concepts and Design. Reading, M.A., Addition Wesley.
4. Mulleender, S. (Ed.) (1989). Distributed Systems Reading, M.A., Addison Wesley.
5. Andrew S. Tenenbaum (1995). Distributed Operating System. Prentice Hall, London.
BSCS-607 : Financial Accounting Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Accounting and its concepts. Recording Business Transactions: Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance, Preparation of Financial Statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Completion of Accounting Cycle: Adjustments, Closing, Work Sheet Accounting for purchase and sales of merchandise. Receivable and payable, Inventories, Payroll Systems, Plant and Equipment: Acquisition, Depreciation, Disposal. Corporations: Organization and stock-holders equity, Operations, Earning per share and dividends.
Recommended Books :
1. Helmkamp, J.G., Indieke, L.F. and Smith, R.E. (1986). Principles of Accounting Second Edition, Wiley, New York.
2. Meigs, Walter, B. and Meigs, Robet F. (1984). Accounting - The Basics for Business Decisions, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
BSCS-609 : Microcomputers Design and Interfacing-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Single-chip microcomputers : Designing with single-chip microprocessors and microcomputer interfacing. Role of microcomputers vs microprocessors and other computes. Real time control issues, design of control software, I/O methods, design tools and available single-chip microcomputers. Project on design and construction of a system a single-chip microcomputer and ancillary hardware to implement a control system.
Recommended Books :
1. Daniel Tubak (1993). Advanced Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
2. C.M. Gilmore (1994). Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Brey, Barry B. (1993). The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture, Programming and Interfacing. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York.
4. J.C. Heudin, and C. Panelto (1992). RISC Architecture. Chapman & Hall, London.
BSCS-610 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms Credit Hour (2+1)
Algorithms and their Complexity, Topological Sort and MST, Matriods and Independence. Depth-First and Breadth-First Search, Shortest Paths and Transitive Closure, Kleen Algebra, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Union-Find, Analysis of Union-Find, Splay Trees, Random Search Trees, Planar and Plane Graphs, The Planar Separator Theorem, Maximum Flow, Matching, Reductions and NP-Completness, Cook’s Theorem, Counting Problem # P, Counting Bipartite Matchings, Parallel Algorithms and NC, Hypercubes and the Gray Representation, Integer Arithmetic in NC, Csanky’s Algorithm, Chistov’s Algorithm, Matrix Rank, Linear Equations, and Polynomial GCSs, The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Luby’s Algorithm, Analysis of Lyby’s Algorithm, Miller’s Primality Test, Probabilistic Tests with Polynomials.
Recommended Books :
1. Dexter C. Kozen (1992). The Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Springer-Verlag, New York.
2. Donald E. Knuth (1973). Volume 1/ Fundamental Algorithms. THE ART OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, London.
BSCS-611 : Parallel Computing Credit Hour (2+1)
Review Computer Architecture. Computational Energy and efficiency. Inductive Architecture and procedures, Graphs & Switches. Banyan and Related Graphs & Networks. Fault Tolerance. Prototype of large scientific computers. Parallel Algorithms. Parallel Software : Languages and Programming environment. Compilers, Parallel Architecture.
Recommended Books :
1. G. Jack Lipovski (1987). Parallel Computing. John Wiley, New York.
2. G.S. Almasi and A. Gottieb (1994). Highly Parallel Computing. 2nd Edition. The Benjamin/ Cumming Publishing Company, Inc. Singapore.
BSCS-612 : Financial Management Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Financial Management, Concepts and Models in Valuation, The time value of money, Fundamentals of risk and portfolio analysis, Valuation of stock and bonds, The Capital Asset Pricing Model, the Arbitrage Pricing Model and other valuation models. The Cost of Capital: Capital Structure and Dividend Policy, The cost of Capital, Capital structure theory, Capital structure policy and optimal capital structure, Internal financing and dividends policy Capital Budgeting: The basis of capital budgeting, The determination and use of cash flow, Mutually exclusive investments and capital rationing, Annual equivalent cost and replacement decisions, Risk analysis and the optimal capital budget, Islamic guidelines for financial management: The rational of prohibition of interest, Alternate capital structure, Capital budgeting in an Interest free economy, working Capital Management in 100% equity capital structure.
Recommended Books :
1. Brigham, E.F. (1985). Financial Management : Theory and Policy. Forth Edition. Dryden, New York.
2. Bierman, Jr. H. and Smidt, S.(1986). Financial Management for Decision Making, Macmillan, New York.
3. Crum, R.L. and Brigham, E.F. (1987). Cases in Managerial Finances. Sixth Edition, Dryden, New York.
BSCS-613 : Management Information Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Computer-Based Management Information System : Introduction to the components of the Management Information System (MIS) and their integration for managerial control and decision support. Analysis, design, and implementation of MIS software. Microcomputing lab. for database and spreadsheet applications.
Computer Systems Analysis and Design : Treatment of the life cycle of a computer information system with emphasis on information requirements analysis, feasibility studies, economics, systems design, equipment selection, and the implementation process. Term project required. Computing lab.
Managerial Applications of Microcomputers : Selection and use of microcomputer hardware and software management for applications. Word processing, spreadsheet analysis, graphics, communications, file management and database management. Term project and microcomputing lab.
Business Data Communications : Broad introduction to business data communications. Emphasis on the integration of the data communication into the automated business office. Term project.
Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence : Broad introduction to application of Artificial Intelligence. Emphasis on the use and application of expert systems and natural languages in business and public sector organizations. Term project.
Knowledge Based Systems Development : Essential steps in knowledge engineering, what knowledge based systems are, and how to manage development of knowledge-based systems. Course also touches on the evaluation and integration of knowledge-based systems into existing environments, as well as how to maintain and evolve a knowledge-based system.
Independent Study in Management Information Systems : Research and analysis of selected problems or topics in information resources management.
Recommended Books :
1. Raymond McLeod, Jr. (1995). Management Information Systems. 6th Edition. Prentice Hall (International Edition), London.
2. Charles Parker and Thomas Case (1993). Management Information System : Strategy and Action. McGraw Hill (International Edition), Singapore.
BSCS-616 : Multimedia Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Defining Hypertext, Hypermedia, and Multimedia, Narrower Definitions of Hypertext, Hypermedia : Multimedia Hypertext, Hypertext and Regular Computer Applications, The Hype about Hypertext. Applications of Hypertext : Computer, Business, Intellectual, Educational, Entertainment and Leisure Applications. The Architecture of Hypertext Systems: Nodes, Links, Hypertext Engines, Open Hypertext, Integrating Hypertext Ideas into Other Environments. Hardware Support for Hypertext : Problem with the Computer Screen, Pointing Devices, Can Text-Only Computers Be Used for Hpertext? CD-ROM as a Storage Device. Hypertext on the Internet : Accessing Hypertext Through the Internet, The World Wide Web and Mosiac, HTML, Hyper-G and Harmony, Half-Dead Hypertext and the Electronic Business Card. Coping with Information Overload : Information Retrieval Human Editing, Interest Voting and Readwear, The n of 2n Approach. Navigating Large Information Spaces : Overview Diagrams, Navigational Dimensions and Metaphors. Hypertext Usability : Usability Parameters for Hypertext, Survey of Benchmark Research, Non-Benchmark studies, The Larger Picture. Multimedia Authoring : Usability for Authors, Separate Interfaces for Writers, Cooperative Authoring, The Authority of the Author. Repurposing Existing Content: Conversion, The Manual of Medical Therapeutics, Oxford English Dictionary. The Future of Multimedia and Hypertext.
Recommended Books :
1. Nielsen, J. (1995). Multimedia and Hypertext : The Internet and Beyond. AP Professional, New York.
2. Glister, P. (1994). Finding it on the INTERNET : The Essential Guide. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
BSCS-618 : Computational Linear Algebra Credit Hour (2+1)
Numerical matrix algorithms : Matrix algorithms : Matrix algorithms, Rounding Errors, Householder Transformations, Giver Transformations, Gauss Transformations, Gaussian Elimination : Triangular Systems. Computing the L-U Decomposition, Error Analysis, Pivoting.
Special Linear Systems : Matrix Decompositions, Positive Definite Systems, Bounded systems, Vander monde systems, Teoplitz systems.
Orthigonilization and relevant algorithms. Eigen value problems and algorithms. Implementation of the algorithms in C or C++ or FORTRAN 90. Recent Trends in Scientific Software Systems. Recent trends in Scientific Software Ada, especially linear systems. Expert systems for linear systems.
Recommended Books :
1. Golub, G.H. and Charles F. Van Loan (1983). Matrix Computations. North Oxford Academic Press.
2. Mason, J.C. and M.G. Cox (1990). Scientific Software Systems. Chapman and Hall, London.
BSCS-619 : Thesis Credit Hour (3+0)
BSCS-620 : Thesis Credit Hour (3+0)
BSCS-621 : Topics of Current/Special Interest Credit Hour (3+0)
Introduction to Machine and recent trends in Software Development.
BSCS-624 : Project Credit Hour (0+3)
Thesis Writing (i.e. BSCS-619 and BSCS-620) will be assigned to only those students who secure more than 70% marks on aggregate upto sixth semester and Project (BSCS-624) will not be offered to these students.
BSCS-625 : VLSI Design Techniques Credit Hour (2+1)
Semiconductor Theory : Solid State Physics of Materials; Silicon, Germanium, Gallium Arsenide etc. N-Type, P-Type. NMOS, CMOS Technologies, Problems and practical considerations, Densities of chips, cost.
Fabrication Methodology & Techniques : Wafers, Crystal Growth, Doping, Etching, Photolithography, Masking, Packaging, Other Techniques, Monolithic I.C. Technology, Planar Process.
Design Rules and Layout for Chips : Importance and need of Design Rules, Technologies involved, Details of Design Rules, Layout of Connectors, Layout of
Approval of B.S. (Computer Science), M.S. (Computer Science)
See Proceedings of Academic Council held on January 31, 2000 and circulated on
March 2, 2000 with reference no. AF 2(2)/2000 Section 5.
BSCS-301 : Introduction to Computer Science - I Credit Hour (2+1)
An overview of Computer Science, Overview of computer system hardware and organization, Problem-solving methods and algorithms development, Program structure, Abstract data types, Simple data and file structures, Application development in a high level programming language that support modular design, An introduction to problem solving and algorithm development emphasizing program control structures, procedures, functions, data types, data structures, objects, methods and graphical user interfaces.
Recommended Books :
1. John Impagliazzo, Paul Nagin (1995). Computer Science : A breadth-First Approach with Pascal. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Glenn Brookershear. (1994) Computer Science : An Overview (Fourth Edition). The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc.
3. Nancy Stern, Robert A. Stern. (1994). Computing in the Information Age. John Wiley & Sons.
4. Ali Behforooz, Martin O. Holoein (1986). Problem Solving and Structured Programming with Pascal. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Monterey, California.
5. Cullen Schaffer (1988). Principles of Computer Science. Prentice-Hall International Inc. New Jersey, U.S.A.
BSCS-302 : Introduction to Computer Science - II Credit Hour (2+1)
Problem-Solving Concepts. Elements of the C Language. Computer Logic and Architecture. Functions and Control Structures. Operating Systems. Arrays. Data Communications. Pointers and Functions Parameters. Software Engineering. Data Structures. Databases. Dynamic Lists. Programming Languages. Recursive Algorithms. Searching and Sorting Algorithms. Numerical Algorithms. Theoretical Perspectives in Computing. Artificial Intelligence.
Recommended Books :
1. John Impagliazzo, Paul Nagin (1995). Computer Science : A breadth-First Approach with C. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Dale Schumacher (1994). Software Solutions in C. AP Professional.
3. Cullen Schaffer (1988). Principles of Computer Science. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. New Jersey, U.S.A.
4. John Gray, and Brian Wendl (1995). Programming in C. Chapman & Hall, London.
BSCS-303 (MATH) : Mathematics - I (Calculus) Credit Hour (3+0)
Elementary Concepts: Real numbers and its subsets. Distance. Inequalities involving real numbers and absolute values. Straight line. Circle, parabola, ellipse & hyperbola. Bounded sets & limit point of a set.
Functions & Continuity: Binary relations and functions. Algebra of functions. Graphs of functions. Limits, one-sided and two sides. Some special limits. Continuity. Properties of limits of functions and of continuous functions. Inverse functions.
Differentiation : Tangent lines & rates of changes. Derivable function, derivative. Techniques of differentiation. The Chain Rule and Implicit, differentiation. Differentials. Higher order derivatives, Leibuitz Rule.
Application of Differentiation : Increasing & decreasing functions, concavity. Local or relative Extrema, First and second derivative test. Sketching of graphs. Newton’s Method of root finding. Rolle’s Theorem and Mean value Theorem. Taylor’s & Maclaurin’s expansion.
Techniques of Integration : The antiderivative. Basic Integration Formulae/Techniques. Integration by parts. Various substitutions. Integration of rational & irrational functions. Numerical Integration, Simpson’s Rule.
Recommended Books :
1. Anton (1994). Calculus with Analytic Geometry. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. Salas, Satunino L., Hille, Einar; Etgen, Garrett (1995). Calculus One : Single Variable. 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
BSCS-304 (MATH) : Mathematics-II (Differential Equations) Credit Hour (3+0)
First Order Linear Equations. Higher Order Linear Equations. Series Solutions of Second Order Linear Equations. The Laplace Transform. Systems of First Order Linear Equations. Numerical Methods.
Recommended Books :
1. William E. Boyce (1997). Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. John Wiley, Singapore
2. Boyce, W and Diprima, R.C. (1994). Elementary Differential Equations. 5th edition. John Wiley, Singapore.
BSCS-305 (STAT) : Statistics and Data Analysis Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Statistics; Population and Sample Data summarization, some illustrative application in science and technology. Statistics in Decision making. Data collection and computers. Summation sign and relevant properties.
Descriptive Statistics; Tabular and graphic representation. Classification of data. Scales of measurements. Summarization of quantitative and qualitative data. Exploratory data analysis. Stem-and-lead plot, box plot, box-cox plots. Histograms and ogives Review of elementary statistics packages. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion for ungrouped and grouped data. Moments skewsness, kurtosis with real life examples.
Counting techniques. Experiments and all sample space with illustrations. Definition of probability with classical, relative frequency and subjective approaches. Events and their laws of probabilities, conditional probability and Bayes theorem with applications.
Recommended Books :
1. David R. Anderson, Dennis, J. Sweeney and Thomas A. Williams (1990). Statistics. West Publishing Company, New York.
2. J.S. Milton and Jesse C. Arnold (1986). Probability and Statistics in the Engineering and Computing Sciences. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
3. Terry Sincich (1990). Business Statistics by Examples. Maxwell Macmillan International Edition, New Jersey.
4. Duncan Cramer (1994). Introducing Statistics for Social Sciences. (step by step calculation and computer techniques using SPSS). Routledge, London and New York.
5. William Mendelhall and Terry Sincich (1992). Statistics for Engineering and Computer Science. McMillan Asia Edition. Singapore.
6. G.M. Clark and D. Cooke (1992). A Basic Course in Statistics. Arnold.
BSCS-306 (STAT) : Probability and Statistical Methods Credit Hour (2+1)
Random variables. Discrete and continuous probability distributions (Point binomial, binomial, poission, geometric, negative binomial and hyper geometric distributions). Uniform, normal, exponential, gamma distribution. Estimation of parameters by the method of moments and maximum likelihood. Testing of Hypothesis. Z-test, t-test, ?2-test, Analysis variance. Regression and Correlation.
Recommended Books :
1. David R. Anderson, Dennis, J. Sweeney and Thomas A. Williams (1990). Statistics. West Publishing Company, New York.
2. J.S. Milton and Jesse C. Arnold (1986). Probability and Statistics in the Engineering and Computing Sciences. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
3. Duncan Cramer (1994). Introducing Statistics for Social Sciences. (step by step calculation and computer techniques using SPSS). Routledge, London and New York.
BSCS-307 (PHY) : Physics - I (General Physics) Credit Hour (2+1)
Physical quantities, International system of units, Scalars and vectors, Vector algebra, Scalar and Vector products. Newton’s laws of motion, Work and energy, Kinetic energy and Work - Energy theorem, Power, Centre of Mass, Centre of mass and translational motion, Rotational motion, Rotational variables, Rotational inertia of solids, Angular momentum of particles, Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion, Gravitation.
Zeroth, First, Second and Third laws of thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible processes, The Carnot cycle and Entropy.
Electromagnetic waves, Wave and particle properties of light, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization. Role of waves as information carrier, oscillation & concept of feedback.
Recommended Books :
1. David Halliday., Robert Resnick and K.S. Krane (1992). Physics Vol. 1 & 2. John Wiley & Sons.
2. R.E. Sontag and G.J. Van Wylen (1991). Introduction to Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons.
3. W.P. Crummett and A.B. Western (1994). University Physics (Models and Applications). Wm. C. Brown Publishers.
BSCS-308 (PHY) : Physics-II (Electricity and Magnetism) Credit Hour (2+1)
Electric charge and Coulomb’s law, Electric field, Guass’s law, Capacitor, Capacitance and dieelectrics, Combinations of Capacitors, Current, Resistance, Resistivety and Conductivity, Ohm’s law, Dependence of resistance on temperature, Microscopic Models of resistance, Energy Band model of conductivity, Combinations of resistors, Voltage and E.M.F. Magnetic field, Lorentz force, Biot – Savart law, Ampere’s law, Gauss’s law for magnetism, Magnetic materials. Inductance, Reactance and impedance, Transformer. Photoelectric effect.
Galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter, Cathode ray oscilloscope.
Recommended Books :
1. Robert Resnick, David Halliday and Kenneth S. Krane (1992). Physics Vol. 1 & 2. John Wiley & Sons.
2. W.J. Duffin (1988). Electricity and Magnetism. McGraw Hill.
3. P.M. Whelam and M.J. Hodgson (1992). Essential Principles of Physics. John Murray.
BSCS-309 (ENG) : English Credit Hour (3+0)
Vocabulary building :
synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, cross word puzzles and word targets, English word formation rules: suffixes, prefixes, compounding, abbreviations, etc.
Listening and speaking skills through discussions on relevant topics.
Reading skills:
Skimming, scanning and understanding concepts such as, classification, comparison, cause and effect, definition, hypothesis, exemplification, etc.
Writing skills:
Writing sentences to form paragraphs to create unified discourse. Students must be able to express themselves through effective writing..
Grammar :
Passive voice, tenses, subordination, sentence elements and types of sentences.
Recommended Books :
1. Franz Zimmermann (1989). English for Science. Prentice Hall International, Inc. London.
BSCS-310 (ENG) : English Credit Hour (3+0)
Reading skills :
More advanced and faster reading.
Writing skills :
Controlled and guided writing to free writing. Writing formal and informal letters. Writing technical reports.
Grammar :
Detailed study of Tenses, Time sequence, Conditionals. Simple, complex, compound and compound complex sentences. Remedial work in grammar.
Recommended Books :
Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford Press
*BSCS-311 (ISL/PKS) : Islamic Learning & Pakistan Studies Credit Hour (3)
*BSCS-312 (URD) : Urdu Credit Hour (3+0)
* The contents of these courses are same as taught in B.Sc. classes.
400 Level Courses
BSCS-401 : Digital Computer Design Fundamentals Credit Hour (2+1)
Digital Logic Circuits, Integrated Circuits and Digital Functions, Data Representation, Register Transfer and Micro-Operations, Basic Computer Organization and Design, Computer Software, Central Processor Organization, Microprogram Control Organization, Arithmetic Processor Design, Arithmetic Algorithms, Input-Output Organization, Memory Organization.
Recommended Books :
1. M. Morris Mano (1992). Computer System Architecture. (10th Edition). Prentice-Hall International, Inc. London.
2. R. Dowsing and F. Woodbam (1989). Computers : From Logic to Architecture. Thomas Computer Press, London.
3. Mcalla (1992). Digital Computer Fundamental Digital Logic.
BSCS-402 : Data Structure Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction, Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure, Data Structure Operations, Algorithms, Preliminaries, String Processing, Arrays, Records and Pointers, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Recursion, Trees, Graphs and their Applications, Sorting and Searching.
Recommended Books :
1. Mark Allen Weiss (1993). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C. The Penjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. U.K.
2. Mark Allen Weiss (1992). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis. The Penjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. U.K.
3. Lipschutz, S. (1986). Theory and Problems of Data Structures. Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
BSCS-403 : Assembly Language Programming Credit Hour (2+1)
Introducing Assembly Language, Data Representation. Assembly Language Fundamentals: Data Definition Directives, Data Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Addressing Modes, Program Structure. The Macro Assembler : The Assembly Process, Related Files, Equates, Operators and Expressions, Transfer-of-Control Instructions, Using the 80386 Processor, Debugging Workshop. Input-Output Services, Conditional Processing, Arithmetic, Numeric Conversions and Libraries, String Processing, Macros and Structures, Disk Storage, File Processing, High-Level Linking.
Recommended Books :
1. Kip R. Irvine (1993). Assembly Language for the IBM-PC. 2nd Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
2. Duntemann (1992). Assembly Language : Step-By-Step. John Wiley, New York.
3. Peter Abel (1995). IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming.. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall International.
BSCS-404 : System Design with Microprocessor Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Microprocessor, Processor Arithmetic, Fundamentals of General Architecture of Microprocessors, Internals of microprocessors, Microprocessor instructions, Communicating with Microprocessors, Intel X86 family architecture, Concepts of Microcontrollers, Memory concepts (RAM, ROM, EPROM, Cache, DMA, Paging etc. and related concepts), Mass storage, Serial and Parallel I/O, Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital to Analog interfaces, Developing Microprocessor based products.
Recommended Books :
1. Gilmore, Charles M. (1994). Microprocessors : Principles and Applications. GLENCOE McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Zizzos, D., and J.C. Bathory (1978). System Design with Microprocessors. Academic Press London.
3. 16/32-Bit Microprocessors : 68000/68010/68020 Software, Hardware, and Design Applications.
4. Brey, Barry B. (1993). The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture, Programming and Interfacing. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
5. Tabak, Daniel (1995). Advanced Microprocessors. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York.
BSCS-405 (MATH) : Mathematics-III (Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry Credit Hour (3+0)
Topics in Analytical Geometry. Polar coordinates and parametric equations. Matrices and system of Linear Equations. Determination. Vector spaces and linear transformations. Eigenvalues.
Recommended Books :
1. Howard Anton (1994). Calculus with Analytic Geometry. John Wiley, Singapore.
2. P. Cohn (1994). Elements of Linear Algebra, Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
3. S.M. Yousuf and M. Amin (1995). Calculus with Analytical Geometry. Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
BSCS-406 (MATH) : Mathematics (Numerical Analysis and Computing)
Credit Hour (2+1)
Mathematical Preliminaries, Solution of Equations in one variable, Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems, Iterative Techniques in Matrix Algebra, Solution of non-linear equations. Approximation Theory.
Recommended Books :
1. Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley (1994). Applied Numerical Analysis. Addisson-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
2. Terrence J. Akai (1994). Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
3. Paul L. DeVries (19940. A First Course in Computational Physics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
4. Richard L. Burden, and J. Douglas Faires (1989). Numerical Analysis. PWS-KENT Publishing Company, Bostan, Massachusetts.
BSCS-407 : Communication Skills and Report Writing Credit Hour (3+0)
Importance of Effective Communication in Business, The Process of Communication and Miscommunication: Elements of Communication, Business Communication Principles, Business Communication Principles, The Process of Preparing Effective Business Messages, Direct Requests, The Written Job Presentation, Business Reports : Types, Preparation, Organization, Presentation. Exercises on Writing better computer documents..
Recommended Books :
1. Herta A. Murphy, and Herbert W. Hildebrandt ( ). Effective Business Communications.
2. Brockman (1990). Writing Better Computer User Documentation : From Paper to Hypertext Version. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
BSCS-408 : Object Oriented Programming Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction, What is Object-Oriented Programming? Object-Oriented Programming Applications, Stream I/O, Error Handling, Classes, Objects, Overloading, Constructors, Destructors, Derived Classes, Methods, Passing Objects, Sample Application.
Recommended Books :
1. Parsons, David (1995) Object-Oriented Programming with C++. BPB Publications, New Delhi
2. Smith, Norman E. (1992). Object-Oriented Programming using Turbo C. BPB Publications, New Delhi.
BSCS-409 : Materials, Semiconductors and Devices Credit Hour (2+1)
Materials : Crystalline and non-crystalline solids, Energy bands in solids, Types of materials, Metals, Semiconductors, Imperfections in solids..
Semiconductors : Extrinsic and Intrinsic semiconductors, Conductivities of semiconductors, Important semiconductors, Effect of temperature on semiconductors, Semiconductor growth, cutting, diffusion. Liquid Crystals.
Devices : PN junction, Semiconductor diode and Zener diode, Bipolar transistors, Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). Solar Cells. Display Devices. Integrated Circuits (ICs).
Recommended Books :
1. James F. Shackelford (1990). Introduction to Materials Science. Maxwell Macmillan International.
2. J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawks (1989). Optoelectronics. Prentice Hall International.
3. James W. Mayer and S.S. Lau. (1990). Electronic Materials Science. Maxwell Macmillan International.
BSCS-410 : Electronics Credit Hour (2+1)
Electron emission, Types of electron emission.
Rectifiers: Current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor diode, Diode as rectifier, Half wave and full wave rectifiers, Ripple factors, filter circuits.
Amplifiers : Transistor baising, Amplification, Transistor as an amplifier, Load line, amplifier gain, voltage and power amplifiers.
Oscillators : From amplifier to an oscillator, A simple oscillator, Standard oscillator types.
Modulation and Demodulation, Controls.
Switches : Switch, Diode switch, Switching action of transistor. Basic passive logic, logic level concepts, logic functions and Boolean algebra.
Optoelectronics : Laser, LEDs, Detector, Optical fibre.
Recommended Books :
1. William L. Faissler (1991). Modern Electronics. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Albert Paul Malvino (1993). Electronic Principles. Glencoe.
3. Robert J. Schoenbeck (1992) Electronic Communications. Maxwell Macmillan International.
4. J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes (1989). Optoelectronics. Prentice Hall International.
BSCS-411 (MATH) : Discrete Mathematics Credit Hour (3+0)
Sets, Logic, : Propositions Logic, Predicate Logic, Mathematical Induction, Equivalence Relation and Partitions, Functions, Divisibility in the Integers & Congruences, The Binomial Theorem & Relation in Computer Science, Counting, Recurrence Relations, Matrices and Order Relations, Trees, Graphs. The Euchidean Algorithms, Fibonacci Numbers, Congruences and Equivalence Relations. Encryption Schemes.
Recommended Books :
1. H.F. Mattson, Jr. (1993). Discrete Mathematics with Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
2. Michael O. Albertson and J. Hutchinson (1988). Discrete Mathematics with Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons. Singapore.
BSCS-412 : Software Engineering and Project Management Credit Hour (2+1)
Software and Software Engineering, Project Management,: Software Metrics, Project Management : Estimation, Project Management : Planning, Computer System Engineering, Requirements Analysis Fundamentals, Structured Analysis and Extensions, Object-Oriented Analysis and Data Modeling, Alternative Analysis Techniques and Formal Methods.
Recommended Books :
1. Pressman, Rogers S. (1992). Software Engineering : A Practitioner’s Approach. McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Mayrhauser, Anneliese von (1990). Software Engineering: Methods and Management. Academic Press Inc. New York.
3. Neal Whitten (1996). Managing Software Development Projects. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.
500 Level Courses
BSCS-501 : Theory of Computer Science Credit Hour (2+1)
Automata Theory : Language, Recursive Definitions, Regular Expressions. Finite Automata. Transition Graphs. Kleen’s Theorem. Non determination. Finite automata without output. Regular Languages. Decideability. Pushdown Automata Theory : Context-Free Grammars. Trees. Regular Grammars. Chomsky Normal Form. Pushdown automata. CFG-PDA. Context Free Languages. Non Context Free Languages. Intersection and complement. Parsing. Decideability. Turning Theory : Turning Machines. Post Machines. Minsky’s Theorem. Variation on the TM. Recursive Enumerable languages. The Encoding of Turning Machines. The Chomsky Hierarchy Computers.
Recommended Books :
1. Daniel I.A. Cohem (1991). Introduction to Computer Theory. Revised Edition. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. D. Wood (1986). Theory of Computation : A Primer. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. John Carroll and Darrel Long (1989). Theory of Finite Automata : With an introduction to Formal Languages. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
4. Martin (1997). Introduction to Theory of Languages and Theory of Computation. McGraw Hill.
BSCS-502 : Concepts of Operating Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Operating System, Hardware, Software, Firmware, Process Concepts, Asynchronous Concurrent Processes, Concurrent Programming, Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement, Real Storage, Virtual Storage Organization, Virtual Storage Management, Job and Processor Scheduling.
Recommended Books :
1. Harvey M. Deitel (1992). An Introduction to Operating Systems. 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
2. Silberschatz and Galvin (1991). Operating Systems Concepts. Addison-Wesley, New York.
3. W. Stallings (1993). Operating System. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, New York.
4. Tannenbaum (1993). Modern Operating Systems. Prentice Hall, New York.
5. Stephen J. Hartley (1995). Operating System Programming : The SR Programming Language. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
6. Ida Flynn and D.M. McHoes (1991). Understanding Operating Systems. Thomson Computer Press, London.
BSCS-503 : Data Communication and Networking-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Data Communication concepts and alternatives : Trends in Computer Communication and networks. Messages, Characteristics, bit streams, symbols and waveforms. Type of transmissions (Digital/Analog, Serial/Parallel, Simplex/Half-Duplex/Full Duplex). Synchronous/Asynchronous. Parity/CRC/LRC/EDC/ARQ.
Communication Media : Electrical cable, Fibre-optic cable, Free-space optical links, Radio and microwave links, satellite relay, cableless LANs.
Modems and Multiplexers. Network topologies, Switching and access control. Layered network architectures. Interface standards, Local Area Networks (LAN) and their classes (broadband, CSMA/CD, token bus, token ring, fibre-optic, low-cost LANs for PCs). Review and implementation of LAN software.
Wide Area Networks (WAN) standards and protocols. High speed LAN & WAN. Communication security, Passive and active attacks, system penetration and dial-up systems. Protection, Encryption and Trusted Networks.
Networks Implementation : Requirement and Design, System Integration, Protection, reconfiguration, Network Management and Testing. Review and implementation of relevant softwares.
Recommended Books :
1. Free, J.R. (1996). Computer Communications and Networks. UCL Press Limited, University College London, London.
2. Halsall, F. (1994). Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
BSCS-504 : Compiler Construction-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Properties of programming Languages. Notation and concepts for Languages and Grammars, review of Set Theory and Directed Graphs, Classification of Grammars, Regular Grammar and finite automata, Context free Grammar and Pushdown automata. Lexical Analysis. Top down parsing and Bottom-up parsing. Semantic Analysis. Code Generation. Error handling : Semantic, syntatic, lexical and runtime errors. Compiler writing aids/tools: yacc, awk, lex etc.
Recommended Books :
1. William M. Waite, Gerhard Goos (1985). Compiler Construction. Springa Verlag, New York.
2. P.M. Lewis II, D.J. Rosenkrantz, R.E. Stearns (1978). Compiler Design Theory. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Qntorio, Canada.
3. Arther B. Pyster; Ph.D. (1980). Compiler Design & Construction. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York.
4. Ronald Mak (1991). Writing Compilers & Interpreters : An applied approach. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.
5. Jean-Paul Tremblay., Paulg Sorenson (1985). The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing. McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.
6. Fisher (1994). Constructing a Compiler with C. Addition Wiley.
BSCS-505 : Stochastic Process and Inference Credit Hour (2+1)
Preliminaries. Stochastic Process Definitions. The Poisson Processes (Homogenous, Non-homogenous) Markov Chains, Martingles, Random Walks, Brownian Motion. Queues, Queuing Theory Models of Computer System. Statistical Inference : Point Estimation, Interval Estimation. Estimating Queuing System Parameters. Testing of Hypothesis : Tests Concerning Means, Variances and Goodness of fit. Markovian Algorithms for data compression.
Recommended Books :
1. Sheldon Ross (1996). Stochastic Process. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. Bouleau (1993). Numerical Methods for Stochastic Process. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. Arnold O. Allen (1978). Probability, Statistics and Queuing Theory : With Computer Science Applications. Academic Press, New York.
4. Tijms, H.C. (1995). Stochastic Models : An Algorithmic Approach. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
BSCS-506 : Modeling and Simulation Credit Hour (2+1)
Models, experiments and Computer Simulation : Statistical aspects, Time handling, stochastic/deterministic modeling, Discrete event modeling, Event, activity and process approach to modeling. Software tools for discrete simulation. Object Oriented approach to Simulation. Simulation of Computer Network. Recent Trends and New Development for Simulation and Monte Carlo Experiments.
Recommended Books :
1. Michael Pidd (1988). Computer Simulation in Management Sciences. John Wiley & Sons. Singapore.
2. Ripley, B.D. (1987). Stochastic Simulation. John Wiley & Sons. New York.
3. Les Oakshott (1997). Business Modeling and Simulation. Pitman Publishing, London.
4. Matthev, N.O., Sadikn and Mohammad Ilyas (1994). Simulation of Local Area Networks. CRC Press, London.
BSCS-507 : Operations Research-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction : Definitions of Operation Research, Decision Models, Types of models, phases of Operations Research Study, O.R. and Software Engineering, and hardware problems and modeling with examples.
Mathematical Modeling : Linear Programming (Graphical, Simplex method, Duality, Sensitivity and Parametric analysis), Transportation and Assignment problems with applications. Integer Programming Branch-and-Bound, Cutting plane, the fractional and mixed algorithms and their implementations.
Recommended Books :
1. Taha, H.A. (1992). Operations Research : An Introduction. 5th edition. Prentice-Hall, New York.
2. Gillette, B.E. (1985). Introduction to Operations Research. : A Computer Oriented Approach. (THM edition). THM-McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
3. Hillier and Lieberman (1990). Introduction to Operations Research. 4th edition. Holden-Day, Inc. California.
BSCS-508 : Operations Research-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Network Models, Dynamic Programming with applications in Business Information Systems and Computer Science, Project Management : PERT-CPM with application in Software Engineering, Queuing Models : Poisson Process, Interarrival time distribution, Pure birth and death models with applications in Computer Systems. M/M specialized queuing systems with applications. Markov chains and data compression algorithm. Stochastic Petri network with applications in Computer Science.
Recommended Books :
1. Taha, H.A. (1992). Operations Research : An Introduction. 5th edition. Prentice-Hall, New York.
2. Gillette, B.E. (1985). Introduction to Operations Research. : A Computer Oriented Approach. (THM edition). THM-McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
3. Hillier and Lieberman (1990). Introduction to Operations Research. 4th edition. Holden-Day, Inc. California.
4. Thomas W. Parson (1995). Introduction to Algorithms in Pascal. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. (This book discusses some advanced algorithms useful for Operations Research) Chapter 9-12.
BSCS-509 : Database Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introductory Database concepts. Design of Logical Models : Database Planning, Physical Data Organization, Data Architecture, The Entity-Relationship Model, The Relational Model, Normalization.
Design of the Physical Model : Relational Database Management System, The Network Model, The Hierarchical Model, Semantic Models. Fundamentals of Distributed Databases, The Object Oriented DBMS. Implementation Issues : Concurrency Control and Recovery, Security and Integrity, Query Optimization, Review of DBMS software and recent development and implementation exercises. KBMS (Knowledge-Based Management Systems). (Review of Oracle, Informix and Sybase with implementations).
Recommended Books :
1. Ricardo, C. (1990). Database Systems :
2. Fortier, Paul J. (1997). Database Systems. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Date, C.J. (1994). An Introduction to Database Systems, Third Edition, Vol. 1. Narosa Publication House, New Delhi.
4. D. Mason (1993). Introduction to Oracle and SQL. Chapman & Hall, London.
5. D.S. Bowers (1992). From Data to Database. 2nd Edition. Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
BSCS-510 : Microcomputer Design and Interfacing-I Credit Hour (2+1)
Overview of digital computers development. Computer design principles. Design of processors, instructions sets, memory systems, cache interface. RISC principles. Principles of piplining hazards. Instruction level parallelism, super scalar and super pipeline systems. Review and new trends in RISC type systems.
Recommended Books :
1. Daniel Tubak (1993). Advanced Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
2. C.M. Gilmore (1994). Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Brey, Barry B. (1993). The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture, Programming and Interfacing. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
4. J.C. Heudin, and C. Panelto (1992). RISC Architecture. Chapman & Hall, London.
BSCS-511 : Computer Organization and Architecture Credit Hour (2+1)
Basic structure of Computer Hardware and Software, Addressing Methods and Machine Program Sequencing with examples of processors from 68000 family etc. and Power PC. The Processing Unit, I/O organization. The Memory : RAM, ROM (speed, size, cots) Cache Memories and performance considerations. Virtual memories. Memory management requirements. Pipelining with examples of CISC, RISC, and stack processors. Computer Peripherals : I/O devices, On-line storage, Disk Access considerations, Communication line considerations. Types of Parallel processing, Multiprocessors and their memory organization.
Recommended Books :
1. Hamacher, V.C., Z.G. Vranesic and S.G. Zaky (1996). Computer Organization. (International edition, 4th edition). McGraw Hill Company, Inc. Singapore.
2. Patterson, D.A., J.L. Hennessy (1994). Computer Organization and Design — The Hardware Interface. Morgan Kaufman, San Mateo, Calif.
3. Hyes, J.P. (1988). Computer Architecture and Organization. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Company, New York.
4. James, R. Goodman and Karen Miller (1993). A Programmer’s View of Computer Architecture. Saunders College Publishing, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, New York.
5. J. Passafiume (1984). Digital Logic Design : Tutorial and Laboratory Exercises. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (for practical only).
BSCS-512 : Data Communication and Networking-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Internetworking : Architecture, Networks Layer Structure, Internet Protocol Standards, Internet IP, Open Systems : Transport protocol. Application-Support & Application-Specific protocols. TCP/IP & ISO application protocols. (TCP/IP and architecture, layers, utilities, administration, ONC/NFS, Open Network Computing, Network File System).
Recommended Books :
1. Halsall, F. (1994). Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
2. Stallings, W. (1994). Data and Computer Communications. Maxwell McMillan International, New York.
3. Santifaller, M. (1994). TCP/IP and ONC/NFS : Internetworking in a UNIXTM Environment. Addison-Wesley, Singapore.
4. James E. Goldman (1995). Applied Data Communications : A Business-Oriented Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.
BSCS-513 : Advanced Numerical Computing Credit Hour (2+1)
Eigenvalues and Eigenvector computation. Fourier and Fast Four Transformation Computations Design and analysis of digital and analog filters and applications in signal processing. Computer Simulation of signals and systems using MATLAB or MATHEMATICA.
Recommended Books :
1. C.F. Gerald and P.O. Wheatley (1994). Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-Wesley.
2. Dr. John Penny, George Lindfield (1995)Numerical Methods using MATLAB. Ellis Horwood.
BSCS-514 : Computer Graphics Credit Hour (2+1)
Visualization : Visualization Paradigm for seeing, understanding, and effective communications. The technological basis of visualization (Hardware, Software, Firmware and standards). Programming Environments (Graphical objects and OOP : Object-Oriented Programming). Features of GUI (Graphic User Interface), Interaction Algorithms.
N-Dimensional Graphics : One-dimensional graphics : Translation and scaling, coordinates and transformation, Windows, Viewports, and Clipping. Two-dimensional Graphic representation and implementation. Three-dimensional graphics fundamentals : Moving from 2D to 3D, Representation, Transformations and Projections for 3D graphics.
Recommended Books :
1. Firebanch, M.W. (1993). Computer Graphics : Tools for Visualization. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Oxford England.
2. Hearn, D. And M.P. Baker (1994). Computer Graphics. Prentice Hall, International, Inc.
3. Hills, Jr., F.S. (1990). Computer Graphics. Macmillan Publishing Compnay, New York.
4. Leendert Ammeraal (1992). Programming Principles in Computer Graphics. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
BSCS-515 : Artificial Intelligence Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence methods & techniques, Useful tools for artificial intelligence. Problems & problem solving methods, Production system, Control strategies, Heuristic Search & Functions, Knowledge representation & the frame problem. Prolog Programming Techniques. Recent trends and new developments.
Recommended Books :
1. Cohen, D., and E.A. Feigenbaum (1987). Handbook of Artificial Intelligence. Pitman Books, London.
2. Bonnet, A. and jack Howlett (1985). Artificial Intelligence. Prentice Hall International.
3. Rich, E. (1987). Artificial Intelligence. McGraw Hill, New York.
4. T. Van Le (1992). Techniques of Prolog Programming with Implementation of Logical Negation and Quantified Goals. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
BSCS-517 : System Analysis & Design Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to System Analysis & Design, Techniques in Data Processing applications. Feasibility Investigation, Feasibility Report. (Investigation, models, designs, effectiveness procedures), System Layout, Preparation and handling of Data. Data specification, File Organization, File Specifications, System Flowcharts, Programming techniques, Program specifications, Test Data, System Test, Systems Projection. System’s Implementation, Maintenance and Review. Case Study.
Recommended Books :
1. Robert J. Thierouf ( ). System Analysis & Design.. “A Case Study Approach”. Charless Merrill Publishing Company.
2. John M. Fitz, Gerald Andra F., and Fitz Gerald ( ). Fundamentals of System Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company.
3. John G. Burch (1992). System Analysis and Design. Thomson Computer Press, London.
4. M.L. Gibson and C.T. Hughes (1994). System Analysis and Design : A comprehensive methodology with CASE. Thomson Computer Press, London.
5. William S. Davis (1994). Business Systems Analysis and Design. Thomson Computer Press, Glasgow.
BSCS-519 : Business Programming Languages Credit Hour (2+1)
An overview of structured Programming techniques, Structure of COBOL Programs, Records, Files and Table handling, Sequential, Indexed sequential and Relative File Processing. Sorting & Merging Files, Subprograms and Nested Programs. Other advanced COBOL features. COBOL/RPG in AS/400 environment. Microsoft/Microfocus COBOL. COBOL/RPG in prevailing computing environments for business and industry.
Recommended Books :
1. A.S. Phillippakis Leonard J. Kazmier (1986). Structured COBOL. McGraw Hill.
2. A.S. Phillippakis Leonard J. Kazmier (1986). Information System through COBOL. McGraw Hill.
3. Nancy Stren and Robert A. Stren (1993). Structured COBOL Programming. 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. D.D. McCracken (1990). Simplified Structured COBOL with Microsoft/Microfocus COBOL. John Wiley, New York. (or most recent version).
BSCS-520 : Advanced Software Engineering Credit Hour (2+1)
Software Fundamentals, Data Flow-Oriented Design, Object-Oriented Design, Data-Oriented Design Methods, User Interface Design, Real-Time Design, Programming Languages and Coding, Software Quality Assurance, Software Testing Techniques, Software Testing Strategies, Software Maintenance, Software Configuration Management, Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Integrated Case Environments, Documentation Management. Recent trends and development.
Recommended Books :
1. Pressman, Rogers S. (1992). Software Engineering : A Practitioner’s Approach. McGraw-Hill International Edition.
2. Mayrhauser, Anneliese von (1990). Software Engineering : Methods and Management. Academic Press Inc. New York.
3. JoAnn T. Hackos (1994). Managing Your Documents. John Wiley, New York.
4. G. Lindgaad (1994). Usability, Testing and System Evaluations. Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
BSCS-522 : Expert Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Expert Systems, Heuristic Search, The Architecture of Expert Systems, Components of an Expert Systems, The Social impact of Expert Systems, Evaluating an Expert Systems, Fuzzy reasoning systems, How to build an inference engine, Knowledge engineering, Machine learning strategies, Natural language interface, Formal and Informal methods, TURBO PROLOG and LISP. Review of recent developments and new trends.
Recommended Books :
1. Richard Forsyth (1987). Expert Systems. Chapman and Hall.
2. A. Bonnet, J.P. Hoton, J.M. Troung-Ngoc (1988). Expert Systems. Prentice Hall International.
3. A.C. Gillis (1991). The Integration of Expert System into Mainstream Software. Chapman & Hall, Glasgow.
4. Koschmann (1990). The Common LISP Companion, John Wiley, Singapore.
600 Level Courses
BSCS-601 : Theory of Operating Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Distributed Computing : The Parallel Computation View, Disk Performance Optimization, File and Database Systems, Performance Coprocessors, RISC, and Data Flow, Analytic Modeling, Distributed Computing : The Open Systems Interconnection View, Operating System Security. Network Operating Systems.
Recommended Books :
1. Harvey M. Deitel (1992). An Introduction to Operating Systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
2. William Stallings (1996). Operating Systems. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, New York.
3. A.S. Tannenhaum (1993). Modern Operating Systems. Prentice Hall, New York.
BSCS-602 : Operating Systems Case Study Credit Hour (2+1)
UNIX System : History, The Shell, The Kernel, The File System, Process Management, Memory Management, The Input-Output System, The SunOS Operating System, Distributed UNIX Systems, UNIX Systems Standardization and Open Systems, The Future of UNIX Systems, Derivatives of UNIX such as LINUX, X-Windows Systems, Recent Development. Windows Operating Systems, Apple Macintosh : Macos (Macintosh Operating Systems). OS/400 and Recent Development.
Recommended Books :
1. Lewell, J. Arthur (1994). UNIX-Shell Programming. 3rd Edition. John Wiley, Singapore.
2. Patrice Gapen, Catherine Stuoghton (1993). Using the AS/400 : An introduction. Thomson Computer Press, London.
3. Robert W. Janson (1994). Programmer’s Guide to the AS/400. Thomson Computer Press, London.
4. Robert W. Janson (1994). Introduction to the AS/400. Thomson Computer Press, London.
5. Bruce H. Hunter, Karen Bradford Hunter (1994). Unix Networks : An overview for system administrators. PTR Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
BSCS-603 : Compiler Construction-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Formal languages, Lexical Analysis, Token, lexical tables, generating lexical analyzer using lex utility. Syntax analyser, context free grammar, Designing and presenting grammar for a programming language, Bottom up parsing, generating parser using yace. Code generating, converting atom to instructions, single pass/multiple pass code generation, Register allocation.
Recommended Books :
1. Seth R. Bengamin (1994). Compiler Design : Theory, Tools & Examples. Wm C. Brown Publishers, Oxford, England.
2. William M. Waite, Gerhard Goos (1985). Compiler Construction. Springa Verlag, New York.
3. P.M. Lewis II, D.J. Rosenkrantz, R.E. Stearns (1978). Compiler Design Theory. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Qntorio, Canada.
4. Arther B. Pyster; Ph.D. (1980). Compiler Design & Construction. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York.
5. Ronald Mak (1991). Writing Compilers & Interpreters : An applied approach. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.
6. Jean-Paul Tremblay., Paulg Sorenson (1985). The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing. McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.
BSCS-604 : Natural Language Processing Credit Hour (2+1)
Intelligence in understanding language, Machine Translation syntax : Fromal languages, context free grammar and languages, Parsers, Semantics and Representation : Lexicons, Representing events and frames, scripter, semantic primitives. The semantics of Quantity, Time, and Space and Knowledge & Belief. Computing Interpretation Semantic Grammars, Transition Networks. Dialog Management, Natural Language understanding system and programming with examples.
Turning Machinges and Language Theory. Fixed Point Principles in Language Theory. Parsing. The Formal Description of Natural Languages. Recent Trends in Linguistic Theory.
Recommended Books :
1. Robert N. Moll, M.A. Arbib and A.J. Kfoury (1988). An Introduction to Formal Language Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York.
2. S.L. Tanimoto (1987). The Elements of Artificial Intelligence. Computer Science, Press. Rockville, Maryland.
BSCS-605 : Advanced Computer Graphics Credit Hour (2+1)
Three Dimension Graphics : Geometric modeling and visibility with the synthetic camera, Clipping in 3D, Hidden Surface Algorithm. A Simple Reflection Model, Interpolative Shading Techniques, Color Models, Surface Rendering : Ray Tracing, Radiosity Rendering Tools.
Fractals : The Fractal geometry of nature, Linear Replacement Mapping, Iterated Function Systems, Complex Plane Mapping, Stochastic Fractals. Applications of Fractals. Computer Animation. Designing GUIs : Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software Systems/Tools for Design and Engineering.
Recommended Books :
1. Firebaugh, M.W. (1993). Computer Graphics : Tools for Visualization. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Oxford England.
2. Hearn, D. And M.P. Baker (1994). Computer Graphics. Prentice Hall, International, Inc.
3. Hills, Jr., F.S. (1990). Computer Graphics. Macmillan Publishing Compnay, New York.
BSCS-606 : Distributed Database Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Distributed Systems : Processing functions, storage of databases, system control. Advanced topics in distributed data and knowledge base systems : architecture, database design; query processing and optimization, concurrency; recovery. Techniques for supporting heterogeneous database systems and cooperative information systems.
Recommended Books :
1. T. Tamer, Ozsu, P. Viladuriez (1991). Principles of Distributed Database Systems. Prentice-Hall, London.
2. Ceri, S. Pelagatti, G. (1984). Distributed Databases : Principles and Systems. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Coulouris, G.F. and Dollimore, J.B. (1988). Distributed Systems : Concepts and Design. Reading, M.A., Addition Wesley.
4. Mulleender, S. (Ed.) (1989). Distributed Systems Reading, M.A., Addison Wesley.
5. Andrew S. Tenenbaum (1995). Distributed Operating System. Prentice Hall, London.
BSCS-607 : Financial Accounting Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Accounting and its concepts. Recording Business Transactions: Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance, Preparation of Financial Statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Completion of Accounting Cycle: Adjustments, Closing, Work Sheet Accounting for purchase and sales of merchandise. Receivable and payable, Inventories, Payroll Systems, Plant and Equipment: Acquisition, Depreciation, Disposal. Corporations: Organization and stock-holders equity, Operations, Earning per share and dividends.
Recommended Books :
1. Helmkamp, J.G., Indieke, L.F. and Smith, R.E. (1986). Principles of Accounting Second Edition, Wiley, New York.
2. Meigs, Walter, B. and Meigs, Robet F. (1984). Accounting - The Basics for Business Decisions, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
BSCS-609 : Microcomputers Design and Interfacing-II Credit Hour (2+1)
Single-chip microcomputers : Designing with single-chip microprocessors and microcomputer interfacing. Role of microcomputers vs microprocessors and other computes. Real time control issues, design of control software, I/O methods, design tools and available single-chip microcomputers. Project on design and construction of a system a single-chip microcomputer and ancillary hardware to implement a control system.
Recommended Books :
1. Daniel Tubak (1993). Advanced Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
2. C.M. Gilmore (1994). Microprocessors. McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Brey, Barry B. (1993). The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture, Programming and Interfacing. Macmillan Publishing Co. New York.
4. J.C. Heudin, and C. Panelto (1992). RISC Architecture. Chapman & Hall, London.
BSCS-610 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms Credit Hour (2+1)
Algorithms and their Complexity, Topological Sort and MST, Matriods and Independence. Depth-First and Breadth-First Search, Shortest Paths and Transitive Closure, Kleen Algebra, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Union-Find, Analysis of Union-Find, Splay Trees, Random Search Trees, Planar and Plane Graphs, The Planar Separator Theorem, Maximum Flow, Matching, Reductions and NP-Completness, Cook’s Theorem, Counting Problem # P, Counting Bipartite Matchings, Parallel Algorithms and NC, Hypercubes and the Gray Representation, Integer Arithmetic in NC, Csanky’s Algorithm, Chistov’s Algorithm, Matrix Rank, Linear Equations, and Polynomial GCSs, The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Luby’s Algorithm, Analysis of Lyby’s Algorithm, Miller’s Primality Test, Probabilistic Tests with Polynomials.
Recommended Books :
1. Dexter C. Kozen (1992). The Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Springer-Verlag, New York.
2. Donald E. Knuth (1973). Volume 1/ Fundamental Algorithms. THE ART OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, London.
BSCS-611 : Parallel Computing Credit Hour (2+1)
Review Computer Architecture. Computational Energy and efficiency. Inductive Architecture and procedures, Graphs & Switches. Banyan and Related Graphs & Networks. Fault Tolerance. Prototype of large scientific computers. Parallel Algorithms. Parallel Software : Languages and Programming environment. Compilers, Parallel Architecture.
Recommended Books :
1. G. Jack Lipovski (1987). Parallel Computing. John Wiley, New York.
2. G.S. Almasi and A. Gottieb (1994). Highly Parallel Computing. 2nd Edition. The Benjamin/ Cumming Publishing Company, Inc. Singapore.
BSCS-612 : Financial Management Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Financial Management, Concepts and Models in Valuation, The time value of money, Fundamentals of risk and portfolio analysis, Valuation of stock and bonds, The Capital Asset Pricing Model, the Arbitrage Pricing Model and other valuation models. The Cost of Capital: Capital Structure and Dividend Policy, The cost of Capital, Capital structure theory, Capital structure policy and optimal capital structure, Internal financing and dividends policy Capital Budgeting: The basis of capital budgeting, The determination and use of cash flow, Mutually exclusive investments and capital rationing, Annual equivalent cost and replacement decisions, Risk analysis and the optimal capital budget, Islamic guidelines for financial management: The rational of prohibition of interest, Alternate capital structure, Capital budgeting in an Interest free economy, working Capital Management in 100% equity capital structure.
Recommended Books :
1. Brigham, E.F. (1985). Financial Management : Theory and Policy. Forth Edition. Dryden, New York.
2. Bierman, Jr. H. and Smidt, S.(1986). Financial Management for Decision Making, Macmillan, New York.
3. Crum, R.L. and Brigham, E.F. (1987). Cases in Managerial Finances. Sixth Edition, Dryden, New York.
BSCS-613 : Management Information Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Introduction to Computer-Based Management Information System : Introduction to the components of the Management Information System (MIS) and their integration for managerial control and decision support. Analysis, design, and implementation of MIS software. Microcomputing lab. for database and spreadsheet applications.
Computer Systems Analysis and Design : Treatment of the life cycle of a computer information system with emphasis on information requirements analysis, feasibility studies, economics, systems design, equipment selection, and the implementation process. Term project required. Computing lab.
Managerial Applications of Microcomputers : Selection and use of microcomputer hardware and software management for applications. Word processing, spreadsheet analysis, graphics, communications, file management and database management. Term project and microcomputing lab.
Business Data Communications : Broad introduction to business data communications. Emphasis on the integration of the data communication into the automated business office. Term project.
Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence : Broad introduction to application of Artificial Intelligence. Emphasis on the use and application of expert systems and natural languages in business and public sector organizations. Term project.
Knowledge Based Systems Development : Essential steps in knowledge engineering, what knowledge based systems are, and how to manage development of knowledge-based systems. Course also touches on the evaluation and integration of knowledge-based systems into existing environments, as well as how to maintain and evolve a knowledge-based system.
Independent Study in Management Information Systems : Research and analysis of selected problems or topics in information resources management.
Recommended Books :
1. Raymond McLeod, Jr. (1995). Management Information Systems. 6th Edition. Prentice Hall (International Edition), London.
2. Charles Parker and Thomas Case (1993). Management Information System : Strategy and Action. McGraw Hill (International Edition), Singapore.
BSCS-616 : Multimedia Systems Credit Hour (2+1)
Defining Hypertext, Hypermedia, and Multimedia, Narrower Definitions of Hypertext, Hypermedia : Multimedia Hypertext, Hypertext and Regular Computer Applications, The Hype about Hypertext. Applications of Hypertext : Computer, Business, Intellectual, Educational, Entertainment and Leisure Applications. The Architecture of Hypertext Systems: Nodes, Links, Hypertext Engines, Open Hypertext, Integrating Hypertext Ideas into Other Environments. Hardware Support for Hypertext : Problem with the Computer Screen, Pointing Devices, Can Text-Only Computers Be Used for Hpertext? CD-ROM as a Storage Device. Hypertext on the Internet : Accessing Hypertext Through the Internet, The World Wide Web and Mosiac, HTML, Hyper-G and Harmony, Half-Dead Hypertext and the Electronic Business Card. Coping with Information Overload : Information Retrieval Human Editing, Interest Voting and Readwear, The n of 2n Approach. Navigating Large Information Spaces : Overview Diagrams, Navigational Dimensions and Metaphors. Hypertext Usability : Usability Parameters for Hypertext, Survey of Benchmark Research, Non-Benchmark studies, The Larger Picture. Multimedia Authoring : Usability for Authors, Separate Interfaces for Writers, Cooperative Authoring, The Authority of the Author. Repurposing Existing Content: Conversion, The Manual of Medical Therapeutics, Oxford English Dictionary. The Future of Multimedia and Hypertext.
Recommended Books :
1. Nielsen, J. (1995). Multimedia and Hypertext : The Internet and Beyond. AP Professional, New York.
2. Glister, P. (1994). Finding it on the INTERNET : The Essential Guide. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
BSCS-618 : Computational Linear Algebra Credit Hour (2+1)
Numerical matrix algorithms : Matrix algorithms : Matrix algorithms, Rounding Errors, Householder Transformations, Giver Transformations, Gauss Transformations, Gaussian Elimination : Triangular Systems. Computing the L-U Decomposition, Error Analysis, Pivoting.
Special Linear Systems : Matrix Decompositions, Positive Definite Systems, Bounded systems, Vander monde systems, Teoplitz systems.
Orthigonilization and relevant algorithms. Eigen value problems and algorithms. Implementation of the algorithms in C or C++ or FORTRAN 90. Recent Trends in Scientific Software Systems. Recent trends in Scientific Software Ada, especially linear systems. Expert systems for linear systems.
Recommended Books :
1. Golub, G.H. and Charles F. Van Loan (1983). Matrix Computations. North Oxford Academic Press.
2. Mason, J.C. and M.G. Cox (1990). Scientific Software Systems. Chapman and Hall, London.
BSCS-619 : Thesis Credit Hour (3+0)
BSCS-620 : Thesis Credit Hour (3+0)
BSCS-621 : Topics of Current/Special Interest Credit Hour (3+0)
Introduction to Machine and recent trends in Software Development.
BSCS-624 : Project Credit Hour (0+3)
Thesis Writing (i.e. BSCS-619 and BSCS-620) will be assigned to only those students who secure more than 70% marks on aggregate upto sixth semester and Project (BSCS-624) will not be offered to these students.
BSCS-625 : VLSI Design Techniques Credit Hour (2+1)
Semiconductor Theory : Solid State Physics of Materials; Silicon, Germanium, Gallium Arsenide etc. N-Type, P-Type. NMOS, CMOS Technologies, Problems and practical considerations, Densities of chips, cost.
Fabrication Methodology & Techniques : Wafers, Crystal Growth, Doping, Etching, Photolithography, Masking, Packaging, Other Techniques, Monolithic I.C. Technology, Planar Process.
Design Rules and Layout for Chips : Importance and need of Design Rules, Technologies involved, Details of Design Rules, Layout of Connectors, Layout of
Approval of B.S. (Computer Science), M.S. (Computer Science)
See Proceedings of Academic Council held on January 31, 2000 and circulated on
March 2, 2000 with reference no. AF 2(2)/2000 Section 5.
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