BSSE Course Outlines

Semester - I

Course Name : Calculus and Analytical Geometry - I
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Real and Complex Numbers, Functions and their Graphs, Sequences, Differentiation, Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation and its Applications, Rolle’s and Mean Value Theorem, Approximations, Maxima/Minima, Limits, Graph Sketching, L’Hospital’s Rule, Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals, Integration and its Applications.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Calculus by Thomas/Finney, 9th Edition, Published by Addison-Wesley. 1996.
• Calculus with Analytical Geometry by Anton, Published by John Wiley & Sons. 1994.
• Calculus and Analytical Geometry by Stein, Sherman K, Bracellas, Anthony, 5th Edition, 1992.
• Calculus by Swokowski, Published by P.S.W. 1998.

Course Name : Computer Logic Design and Computer Organization
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Boolean Algebra, Number Systems, De-Morgan’s Theorem, Minimization Techniques, Algebraic Techniques, Karnaugh Maps and Quin-MeCluskey Methods, Computer Logic Circuits: Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, Encoders, Decoders, Half Adders and Full Adders Sequential Circuits, State Assignment and Minimization Multiplexer. Basic Computer Organization, Processor Organization, Memory Design and Organization.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Computer System Architecture by M. Morris Mano, 10th Edition, Published by Prentice Hall International, Inc. London.1992.
• Digital Computer Fundamental Digital Logic by Mcalla. 1992.

Course Name : Introduction to C/C++ Language
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3+1

Course Contents:
Introduction to Computer Science and its Applications, An Overview of Electronic Data Processing, Introduction to Computer Programming, An Overview of Computer Programming Languages, Introduction to C language, Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Designing, Data Types and Input/Output, Operators and Expressions, Flow Control, Arrays, Strings, Functions, Introduction to Pointers, Structures, Files and File I/O.

Suggested Textbooks:
• C Programming Using Turbo C++ by Robert Lafore, Published by Waite Group Press, 1999.
• C++ How to Program by Deitel and Deitel, Published by Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.

Course Name : Islamic Studies
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 2

Course Contents:
Study of Prescribed Surrahs of the Holy Quran and the Prescribed Traditions of Holy Prophet (pbuh), Important Events from the Prophet’s (pbuh) Life and Different Facts of Seerah, Ethical Values of Islam, Unity of Muslim World.

Suggested Textbooks :
• Islamiat for Students by Farkhanda Noor Muhammad, Published by Feroz Sons, 1999 Revised Edition 2000.
• Medina ul Ilm by Tanveer Shah, Published by Fatmi Publishers Karachi, 1999.

Course Name : Probability and Statistics
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Moments and Kurtosis, Curve Fitting Sample Space, Probability, Baye’s Theorem, Random Variables, Chebyshev’s Inequality, Binomial, Normal and Poisson Distributions, Moment Generating Functions, Time Series Analysis, Correlation and Regression (Simple, Partial and Multiple).

Suggested Textbooks:
• Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Krayzig, 7th Edition, Published by John Wiley, New York, 1994.
• Mathematical Statistics by J.N.Kapoor, H.C. Sasena, 11th Edition, Published by S.Chand and Company, 1982.
• Statistics and Probability by Dr. Afzal Baig, 3rd Edition, Published by Karvan Publishers, 1992.
• Introduction to Statistics by Sher Muhammad Choudhry, Published by Ilmi Kitab Khana Lahore, 1997.

Semester - II

Course Name : Business Communication Skills - I
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
English Grammar: Parts of Speech; Sentence Structure; Punctuation and Capitalization; Emphasizing and De-emphasizing; Comprehension (Comprehension Passages, Translations, Discussions, Debates and Group Activities); Business Communication Skills; Basic Principles of Business Communications; The Seven Cs of Effective Communication, (Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration, Concreteness, Clarity, Courtesy, Correctness); Types of Business Writing (Letters, Memorandums, Reports and Proposals - Styles and Formats) Effective Writing and Effective Language; Writing and New Communication Technologies (Computers, E-mails, Networks, Telecommunication); Asking Questions and Fact-Finding; Presentation Skills: Strategies for Improving Oral Presentations, Essentials Steps for Preparing Presentations, Types of Presentations; Types of Visual Aids, Their Choices and Usage; Effective Non-verbal Delivery; Overcoming Stage Freight; Listening and Speaking Skills: What is Good Speaking; Listening Skills; Self-development: Effective Time Management; How I See Myself As a Person; Types of Behaviors; The Effects of Childhood; Anger Management; Handling Criticism; Conflict Resolution.

Suggested Textbooks:
• How to Sharpen your Business Writing Skills by Nan Levinson and Janet Molinari Nelson.
• Communication Skills for Managers by Mannie Sherberg, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1998.
• Effective Business Communication by Herta A Murphy, Herbert W Hildebrandt and
P. Thomson, 7th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Course Name : Pakistan Studies
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 2

Course Contents:
Ideology of Pakistan in Historical Perspective, Different Phases of Pakistan Movement, Two-Nation Theory, Creation of Pakistan and Important Events to Date, Measures Towards Establishment of Islamic System, Facts about Geography and Economy of Pakistan, National Problems and Steps for their Resolution.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Pakistan : The Real Picture by Rizwana Zahid Ahmed, Published by Feroz Sons, 1998

Course Name : Calculus and Analytical Geometry - II
Pre-requisite : Calculus and Analytical Geometry - I
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
First and Second Order Linear Differential Equations, Isoclines and Integral Curves, Rate of Change Problems, Infinite Series, Systems of Linear O.D.E’s, Qualitative and Numerical Methods, Fourier Series, Partial Differential Equations. Polar Co-ordinates.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Calculus by Thomas/ Finney, 9th Edition, Published by Addison-Wesley, 1996.
• Calculus by Swokowski, Published by P.S.W. 1998.
• Elementary Differential Equations by W and Diprima and Boyce, 5th Edition, Published by John Wiley. 1994.

Course Name : Linear Algebra
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Matrix Algebra, Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Basis and Dimension, Linear Transformation, Rank and Nullity, Inverse of a Matrix, Determinants, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Elementary Operations, Use of Mathematical Software for Linear Algebra.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Advance Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Krayzig, 7th Edition, Published by John-Wiley, 1994.
• Advance Course in Modern Algebra by Dr. Goyas and Gupta, Published by Pragati Prakashan Merut, 1994.
• Topics Algebra by Hasten, Published by Ginn and Company, Revised by National Book Foundation, 1997.
• Mathematical Method by S.M.Yousuf, Published by Ilmi Kitab Khana, 1999.

Course Name : Object Oriented Concepts Using Java
Pre-requisite : Introduction to C/C++ Language
Credit Hours : 3+1

Course Contents:
An Overview of problems faced in Function-Oriented Programming, The need for a better approach, Introduction to the Object Oriented Programming, Advantages of Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Attributes and Behavior, Constructing and Initializing Objects in Java, Encapsulation, Data Hiding, Access Modifiers, Method Overloading, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Final Variables, Methods and Classes, Abstract Methods and Classes, Interfaces, Java Garbage Collector, Exception Handling in Java, Java I/O Package and Utility Classes.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Java - How To Program by Deitel and Deitel, 3rd Edition, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1999.
• The Sun Java Web-site
• The Java Tutorial by Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath, Published by Addison-Wesley, 1997.
• Java Software Solutions by J. Lewis, W. Loftus, Published by Addison-Wesley, 1998.

Course Name : Software Engineering - I
Pre-requisite : None
Credits Hours : 4

Course Contents:
Introduction: Requirement Elicitation: Complete understanding of the Problem Domain, Knowledge About Methods and Techniques for Uncovering, Discovering, and Communicating Functional and Non-functional Requirements and Constraints; Requirement Analysis: Modeling of Software Requirements in the Information, Functional and Behavioral Domains of a Problem, Perceived Primary and Derived Requirements of a System, Various Requirements Modeling Methods (e.g. Structured Analysis, Object-Oriented Analysis), the Use of Prototyping to Examine and Assess Requirements, Domain Analysis Techniques, Requirement Specifications: Representation of Software Requirements that Result from Requirement Elicitation and Requirements Analysis, Specification Standards, Application of Specification Methods that Involve Structured Natural Language, Graphical and Symbolic Notation, Design Description Languages and Formal Specification Languages, Software Characteristics, The Software Crisis: Problems & Causes, Software Engineering, Software Life Cycle: Overview of Software Life Cycle, Software Engineering Paradigms, Types of Documentation, Documentation throughout the Life Cycle, Project Initiation, System Analysis: Problem Clarification & Scope, Objective & Feasibility Study Requirement Analysis: Facts Finding Techniques, Analysis Principles, Essential & Implementation View, Analysis Modeling: Data Modeling, Behavioral Modeling System.
Case Study: A project will be assigned to students, which will be carried out throughout the semester. They will practically apply everything on the Project that was studied in theory.

Introduction to Waterfall, RAD, Spiral, Evo-Incremental Delivery Model, Wish List, Creation and CASE Tools. An Introduction to Software Engineering, its Requirement and Scope, Software Crises, Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, Jackson Structured Programming Techniques, Managing Software Development, Requirement Analysis, Introduction to Z-specifications, Overview of VDM, An Introduction to SRS Diagrams.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Software Engineering Analysis and Design by C. Eastral and G. Davis, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1992.
• Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1997.


Course Name : Advanced Java
Pre-requisite : Object Oriented Concepts Using Java
Credit Hours : 3+1

Course Contents:
Introduction to Windows Programming, Graphical User Interface components, Using AWT to develop GUI applications, Using Swing for Graphical Representation, Introduction to Internet Applications Development, Java Applets, Multi-threading, Advanced Files and Streams, Java Database Connectivity, Networking API, Java Servlets

Suggested Textbooks:
• Java - How to Program by Deitel and Deitel 3rd Edition, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1999.
• The Sun Java web-site
• The Java Tutorial by Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath, Published by Addison-Wesley, 1997.
• Java Software Solutions by J. Lewis, W. Loftus, Published by Addison-Wesley, 1998.

Course Name : Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 2+1

Course Contents:
Basic Database Concepts, Conceptual Modeling, Hierarchical Network and Relational Data Models, Relational Theory and Languages, Database Design, Database Security and Integrity Query Language and Relational Calculus, Relational Algebra, SQL, Introduction to Query Processing and Optimization, Introduction to Concurrency and Recovery, Front-end and Back-end Databases.

Suggested Textbooks:
• An Introduction to Databases by John Carten, Published by Champman and Hall, 1995.
• Database System, Principals, Design and Implementation by C. Ricardo, Published by Maxwell-Macmillan, 2000.

Course Name : Data Structures Using Java
Pre-requisite : Object Oriented Concepts Using Java
Credit Hours : 3 + 1

Course Contents:
Introduction to Data Structures and their applications in computer science, Abstract Data Structures, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Double-ended Queues, Ranked Sequences, Positional Sequences, Trees, Binary Trees, Priority Queues, Heaps, Dictionaries, Graphs. Implementation using Java. Searching algorithms for trees.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by (M.T. Goodrich and R. Tamassia), Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• The Sun Java Web-site
• Java - How to Program by Deitel and Deitel, 3rd Edition, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1997.

Course Name : Operations Research
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Operations Research, An Introduction, Linear Programming, Requirements and Assumptions, General Formulation of LP Problems, Solutions of LP Problems, Graphical Methods, Simplex Methods, Special Classes of LP Problems, Transportation Problems, Northwest Method, Least Cost Method, Vogel’s Method, Assignment Method, Using Transportation Method, Hungarian Method, Network Analysis, PERT and CPM Networks, Development of Networks, Estimating Activity Times, Determining Expected Project Duration, Crashing the Project.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Operations Research, by Dr. Saeed Akhtar Bhatti, Published by A-One Publishers, 1998.
• Operations Research, by Hamdy Taha, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1988.

Course Name : Discrete Mathematics
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Logical Forms and Logical Equivalence, Valid and Invalid Arguments, Application: Digital Logic Circuit, Application: Number System and Circuit for Addition, Predicates and Quantified Statements I, Arguments with Quantified Statements, Direct Proof and Counter Example I: Introduction, Direct Proof and Application: Algorithms, Sequences, Mathematical Induction, Basic Definition of Set Theory, The Empty Set, Power Set and Boolean Algebra, Counting & Probability, Functions Defined on General Sets, Application: FSA, One-One, Onto and Inverse Function, Application: the Pigeonhole Principle, Recursively Defined Sequences, Solving Recurrence Relations by Iteration, Real Valued Function of a Real Variable and Their Graph, Introduction to O-Notation, Grap, Trees.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Susanna S. Epp. Published by Brooks/Cole Company, 1999.
• Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.1999.

Course Name : Ordinary Differential Equations
Pre-requisite : Calculus and Analytical Geometry - I & II
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Ordinary Differential Equation of First Order, Separable Equations, Equations Reducible to Separable Form, Homogeneous Equations, Equations Reducible to Homogeneous Form, Exact Differential Equations, Ordinary Linear Differential Equations, General Solutions, Real Roots, Complex Roots, Bernoulli’s Equation, Homogeneous Linear Equations of Second Order, System of Differential Equations, Series Solutions of Differential Equations, Differential Operators, Cauchy Linear Equations.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Krayzig, 8th Edition, Published by John-Wiley, 1999.
• Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems by Dennis G, Zill, Michael R Cullen, 3rd Edition, Published by P.S.W. and Company, 1997.
• Mathematical Methods by S.M. Yousuf, Published by Ilmi Kitab Khana, 1999.

Semester - IV

Course Name : Assembly Language
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3+1

Course Contents:
Digital Computer Organization, Machine Language and Mnemonics, Instruction Execution, Addressing Techniques, Digital Representation of Data, Macros, Subroutines, Stack Interrupts, Physical Addressing, Segments, Structures and Records, Assembly Language Programming Tools: Macro Assembler, Linker and Debugger, Programming Assignments.

Suggested Textbooks:
• The Intel Family Microprocessors 8086/88, 80186, 80386, 80486, Architecture, Programming, Interfacing by Barray B Brey, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1998.
• Assembly Language Programming and Organization of IBM PC, by Ythayu Charles Marut, Published by McGraw-Hill

Course Name : Operating Systems
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 4

Course Contents:
Overview and History of Operating Systems, Operating Systems Concepts: Memory Management, Process Scheduling, Device and File Management, Concurrent Processes and Deadlocks, Unix Systems Administration and Shell Programming, Basic Concepts of Operating Systems, Structure and Functions, such as Batch Processing, Time-Sharing, Real-Time Processing, Multi programming and Multi Processing Systems, Processes and their Inter-Communication, Memory Management: Principles and Algorithms, File Systems and Protection, Input/Output and Interrupt Facilities, Detailed Analysis of a Small System Case Study.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Operating System Concepts by James Peterson/Abraham S. Lbertechatz, Published by Addison Wesley, 1999.
• Modern Operating Systems by Tannenbaum, Published by Prentice Hall, 1993,

Course Name : Business Economics
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Course : 3

Course Contents:
Concepts of Economics, Wealth, its Classification, Economic Wants and Characteristics, Consumer Goods and Capital Goods, Utility, Micro and Macro economics; Centrally Planned Economy, Mixed Economy, Consumer’s Behavior, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-Marginal Proportions, Laws of Demand, Demand Price Elasticity, Demand Income Elasticity, Demand Cross Elasticity, Laws of Supply, Elasticity of Supply Price Determination; Market Price; Normal Price, Consumer’s Surplus and Producers Surplus; Price Regulation: Minimum Prices and Maximum Prices, Factors of Production; Human Resource Development; Scale of Production Internal and External Economies of Scale; Diseconomies of Scale, Laws of Returns and Laws of Costs, Returns to Scale, Cost or Production and Cost Curves, Market Structures; Forms of Business Organization: Single Entrepreneurship; Partnership; Joint-Stock Company; Public Enterprise Cooperative Society, Revenues of the Firm, Firm’s Price and Output Determination; Perfect Competition; Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition, Mathematical Treatment of Demand and Cost Functions and Determination of Firm’s Equilibrium, Modern Theory of Distribution of Factor Rewards, National Income, Different Concepts of National Income: GDP, GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DPI, Income Flow Chart, Different Approaches to Measurement of NI; Product Approach; Factor-Earning Approach Expenditure Approach Consumption Function, Concepts of Average Propensity to Consume and Marginal Propensity to Consume; Average Propensity to Save and Marginal Propensity to Save, Investment; Kinds of Investment; Capital Formation, Investment Multiplier, Money; Functions of Money; Kinds of Money, Quantity Theory of Money, Commercial Banks; Functions of Commercial Banks; Process of Credit creation, Central Bank; Functions of Central Bank; Objectives of Monetary Policy; Tools of Monetary Policy, Inflation; Causes of Inflation; Consequences of Inflation; Remedies for Inflation; Deflation; Reflation, Public Finance; Taxation; Kinds of Taxes; Direct Tax; Indirect Tax; Proportional Tax; Progressive Tax; Regressive Tax; Principles of Taxation, Public Expenditure; Principles of Public Expenditure; Role of Government in Achieving Economic Goals, International Trade; Principle of Comparative Advantage; Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments; Correction of Disequilibrium of Balance of Payments; Terms of Trade; Trade Barriers; World Trade Organization (WTO), Economies of Finance; Money Market; Instruments of Money Market; Capital Market; Instruments of Capital Market; Stock Exchange and its Functions; Speculation in Stock Exchange, Modern-day Developments; Role of Information Technology in Modern Day Business; Globalization, it’s Justification and it’s Probable Impacts; Growth Mania and the Problem of Environmental Degradation; Concept of Sustainable Development.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Economic Theory Part (I) by Khawaja Abdul Haleem, Published by Khawaja and Khawaja 1999-2000.
• Modern Economic Theory by K.K.Deewet, Published by Shyamlal Charitable, 1994.
• Economics (International Edition) by Paul A. Simulson, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1999.

Course Name : Numerical Analysis
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Error and Computer Arithmetic, Root-Finding for Nonlinear Equations Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation, Solution of Systems of Linear Equations, Numerical Differentiation and Integration and Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Numerical Analysis by Schaum Series, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1989.
• Fundamental of Numerical Analysis by Stephen G. Kelligen, Published by Irwin, 1975.

Course Name : Business Communication Skills - II
Pre-requisite : Business Communication Skills – I
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Communications with an Organization Upward, Downward and Horizontal; Benefits of Effective Communication; Concept and Problems of Communications; Non-Verbal Communication; Ethics: Philosophy, Guidelines; Proposals: Types of Proposals, Reports, Short, Periodic, Long, Supplemental Sections; Presentations; Decision Plans; Direct and Indirect Audience Analysis for Informative and Persuasive Speaking.

Suggested Textbooks:
• How to Sharpen your Business Writing Skills by Nan Levinson and Janet Moliunari Nelson.
• Business Communication by Mars Munter, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1999.
• Effective Business Communications by Herta A. Murphy, W. Hilderbrant and P. Thompson, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1998.

Semester - V

Course Name : Compiler Construction
Pre-requisite : Assembly Language
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Compiler Organization, Data and Instruction Representation, ASCII Code Assembler Directives Versus Machine Instruction, Keyboard Input and Screen Output, Instruction Formats and Types, Conversion Between ASCII Strings and Binary Numbers, Stack Operation Debugging, Interrupt, Macros, Video Output, Disk I/O.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Assembly Language for IBM-PC by K.R. Irwine, Published by Maxwell-Macmillan, 1990.
• Microprocessors and Interfacing by D.V. Hall, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1999.

Course Name : Computer Architecture
Pre-requisite : Computer Logic Design and Computer Organization
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Computer Organization: Control Unit Design, Instruction Execution and Sequence of Control Signals Hardware and Micro programmed Control: Input- Output- Programmed, Interrupt Driven and DMA, I/O and Interface Design, Arithmetic Logic Unit Implementation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Operations for Integer and Floating Point Numbers, Memory Organization, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memories, Mapping Functions and Page Replacement Policies, Memory Management Requirements and Virtual Memory, Hardware Support, Fundamentals of Computer Communications and Error Control.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Computer Organization and Architecture by W. Stallings, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1999.
• Computer Organization and Architecture by Hyeo, J.P. 2nd Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.

Course Name : Organization Behavior
Pre-requisite : Business Economics
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
The Environment, Managing Individuals, Managing Groups, Managing Organization, Managing Process, Leadership, Decision Making, Conflict and Negotiation, Change Innovation and Stress, Supplementary Module Research, Foundation of Organization Behavior.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Organization Behavior by Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborne, Published by John Wiley, 1988.
• Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthans, 8th Edition, Published by Erwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998

Course Name : Practical Networking and Data Communications
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 2+1

Course Contents:
Introduction to Communication Systems, Time Domain and Frequency Domain Representation of Signals, Modulation and Demodulation, AM, DSB, SSB and USB, Communication, Frequency Modulation, Comparison of SM and FM, Sampling Theorem, PCM Systems, Differential Pulse Code, Modulation System, Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta Modulation System, Digital Modulation, BPSK, QPSK, FSK Techniques, Multiplexing, FDM and TDM Hierarchy of T-1 System. Networking Terms and Concepts, OSI Model, LAN, WAN, Transmission Media, Topologies and Architecture, Transport Protocols, Connectivity Devices (Modems, Hubs, Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateways), Adapter Cards.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Computer Networks by Stallings, William, Published by IEEE Computer Society, 1990.
• Data and Computer Communication by A.S. Tenebaum, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1997.

Course Name : Software Engineering - II
Pre-requisite : Software Engineering - I
Credit Hours : 4

Course Contents:
Architectural Design: Techniques for Functional Design, Object-Oriented Design, Real-time System Design, and Client-server System Design, Abstract Specification: Notation and Techniques for Object-Oriented Designs(UML), Structured Designs, Real-time System Design, and Client-server System Design, Interface Design: Interface Design Principles, Task Analysis and Interface Modeling, Implementation Tools, Information Presentation, Design Evaluation, and User Documentation, Data Structure Design: Knowledge About How to Translate the Data Objects Defined in the Analysis and Design Models into Data Structures that Reside Within the Software System, Knowledge About Data Dictionaries, Data-flow Diagram, and Entity Relationship Diagrams, Algorithm Design: Knowledge About the Representation of Procedural Detail in an Appropriate Notation or Language Such as Flow Charts, Box Diagrams, Decision tables, and Program Design Languages Object Oriented Approach, Pros and Cons, CORBA, Data Flow Diagram, Introduction to CASE tools, DFD its Need and Place in SE, Logical Data Structure, Entity Life History, Relational Data Analysis, Implementation, Myth and Reality, Software Design Technique-putting all Together, Software Reuse and the CASE tools Related to Different Approaches, Transition to Object Technology Using Fusion, Pilot Project Using Fusion on Hewlett-Packard, Medical Imaging Project, Analysis Phase Retrospective, Extending the Fusion Design Process for TMN, Application Development Using Fusion for Commercial, Fixed Price Bespoke Development, An Approach to Process Description Using Fusion, Evolutionary Fusion, Measuring and Improving the Fusion Development Process, Requirements Engineering within the Fusion Method, Proposed Enhancements to Fusion Method, Extension to Fusion Supporting, Improving the Analysis Stage of the Fusion method,

Suggested Textbooks:
• Software Engineering Analysis and Design by C. Eastral and G. Davis, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1992.
• Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1997.
• Object Oriented Development at Work By Ruth, Malan, Reed LetSinger, Derek Coleman, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1996.
• Software Engineering by Ian Somerville, Published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1997.

Semester - VI

Course Name : Advanced Java and Internet Programming
Pre-requisite : Practical Networking and Data Communications
Credit Hours : 3 + 1

Course Contents:
Exploiting the Streams Model, Object Serialization and Persistence, Advanced Java Security, Creating Multi-Threaded Programs, Networking, TCP/IP, and Sockets, Advanced User Interfaces with AWT and JFC, Enterprise Java and the Java Web Server, Native Methods, Incorporating C/C++ into Java, Distributed Objects, RMI, and CORBA, Advanced Java Design Issues, Introduction to Component Technology and Java Beans.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Java-How to Program by Deitel and Deitel 3rd Edition, Published by Prentice-Hall, 1999.
• The Sun Java Web-site
• The Java Tutorial by Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath, Published by Addision-Wesley, 1997.
• Java Software Solutions by J.Lewis, W.Loftus, Published by Addison-Wesley, 1998.

Course Name : Focus Course - I
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Name : Software Project Management
Pre-requisite : Software Engineering - II
Credit Hours : 4

Course Contents:
Project Planning Objectives and Goals of the Project, and Decide on the Strategies, Policies, Programs and Procedures for Achieving the Project Objectives, Project Organization: Arranging the Activities into Logical Clusters and Assigning These Logical Clusters to a Project team as well as Delegating Responsibility and Authority to the Team Members, Project Forecasting: Knowledge about Anticipating Future Events (such as availability of personnel, predicted inflation rate and availability of new computer hardware), Making an Informed Prediction of the Effort, Cost, Time, and Quality that will be Needed for Developing, Changing, and Maintaining a Software System, Project Scheduling: Determining Project Tasks, Allocating Resources for Completing the Tasks, Determining Task Ordering and Dependencies, Scheduling Start and Completion Times for each Project Task, and Establishing Project Milestone Dates, Project Control: Measuring Performance against Goals and Plans, Determining when Deviations Exist, and Initiating Actions to Correct Deviations, Software Configuration Identification, Software Configuration Control, Software Configuration Audit, Software Configuration Status Accounting, Project Management and Related CASE tools, Risk Analysis Techniques, Cost Estimation, Time Estimation, Scheduling, Software Matrices and Software Metrics

Suggested Textbooks:
• Project Management by Ghosh, Asitk, Kumar and Prem, Published by Anmol, 1991.
• Software Engineering Analysis and Design by C. Eastral and G. Davis, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1992.
• Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Course Name : Project - I
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 0 + 3

Course Name : Marketing Management
Pre-requisite : Business Economics
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Marketing Environment, Strategies Planning and Marketing Management, Information for Marketing Decisions, Understanding Markets, The Composition of Markets and their Segmentation, Social Influence on Buyer Behavior, The Psychology of Consumer Behavior, Intermediate Markets and their Behavior, Basic Product Issues, Product Mix Decision, Pricing Objectives and Strategies, Pricing Policies, Channels and their Dynamics, Retailing, Wholesaling, Physical Distribution, Promotional Communication, Personal Selling and Sales Management, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Multinational Marketing, The Markets of Intangibles Services, Images and Causes, Managerial Control of Marketing Strategy, Marketing and Society.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Marketing by Russ/ Kirkpatrick, Published by Little Brown, 1982.
• Principles of Management by Terry Franklin 8th Edition, Published by AITBS, 1997.

Semester - VII

Course Name : Distributed Computing
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
ATM Layouts With Bounded Hop Count and Congestion, An Algorithm for the Asynchronous, Process Collision, Proving Convergence of Self Stabilizing Systems Using First Order Re-writing and Regular Languages, Distributed Algorithms for Sparse Networks, How to Reconcile Fault Tolerant Interval Intersection with Lipschitz Condition, Implementing CORBA GIOP in a High Performance Object Requests Broker Environment.

Course Name : Software Process Management
Pre-requisite : Software Project Management
Credit Hours : 4

Course Contents:
Quantitative Software Process Management: Establishing Software Process Performance Goals, Measuring the Process Performance, Analyzing Process Measurements, and Making Adjustments to Maintain Process Performance Within Acceptable Limits, Software Process Improvement: Evolving a Process from Lower Levels to Higher Levels of Process Maturity and How to Plan, Develop, and Implement Changes to the Software Process, Software Process Assessment: Assessment as a Diagnostic Tool to Aid Organizational Development, Software Process Automation: Software Process Engineering: Representing the Important Characteristics of a Process as a Coherent, Integrated set of Well-defined Software Engineering and Management Processes for Organizations, Teams, and Individuals, CMM (Capability maturity model), Standardization techniques, ISO 9000 Standards, and Process Maturity Techniques, Introduction to Principles, Decision Frame Work, Established Frame Works, Established Project Goals and Objective, Determining Benefits of Object Oriented Technology, What is a Process Module, Select a Product Module, Plan and Control a Project, Case Studies of Project Model, What is Reuse, Reuse Process Models, Organization Models for Reuse, Select a Team Structure, Case Studies of Teams, Expectations for a Software Development Environment, Analysis and Design Methods and Tools, Languages, Libraries, Tools and Databases, Select a Software Development Environment, What is in Training Plan, Setup a Training Plan, What is Measurement, Failing with Objects.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Software Engineering Analysis and Design by C. Eastral and G. Davis, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1992.
• Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Course Name : Computerized Accounting
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Recording Business Transactions, Recording Payroll Transactions, Recording Inventory, Preparing Job Costing Records, Preparing Financial Statements, Use the Internet to Research a Topic and Prepare a Report.

Suggested Textbooks:
• A Computer Accounting with Peachtree, By Yacht, Carol 4th Edition, Release 7.0,
Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Course Name : Focus Course –II
Pre-requisite : Focus Course - I
Credit Hours : 3

Course Name : Software Project + Demonstration Skills
Pre requisite : Software Process Management
Credit Hours : 0 + 4

Course Contents:
In this course, the students would work in teams on an assigned project with an external supervisor who would hold meetings on regular intervals and would conduct the discussion sessions in such a way that the students would learn from his practical experience in software houses.
In the second half of the module, the students would be made to study a research topic allocated to them from current journals and publications, They would be asked to produce reports and present them in front of the class, This would help not only improving their knowledge but their communication skills as well.

Semester - VIII

Course Name : Psychology
Pre-requisite : None
Credit Hours : 3

Course Contents:
Media Violence and Aggressive Behavior, Studies in Leader Legitimacy, Influence and Innovation, Experimental Studies of Negro-White Relationship, Findings and Theory in the Study of Fear Communication, Perceived Freedom, Experimental Studies on Families.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Experimental Psychology by Leo Postman, Published by K.T. 1997.
• Implicit Psychology by Daniel M.Wegner, Published by K.T. 1998.
• Understanding Social Psychology by Hyper Collins, Published by Elliot Aronson, 1994.

Course Name : Focus Course - III
Pre-requisite : Focus Course - II
Credit Hours : 3

Course Name : Software Testing
Pre-requisite : Software Project + Demonstration Skills
Credit Hours : 2+2

Course Contents:
Introduction: Quality Assurance Concepts, Formal Technical Review, ISO 9000 Quality Standards, Testing Techniques and Testing Systems, Methods, Criteria and Automatic Tools for Software, Methods and Techniques for Dynamics Program Testing, Methods of Systematic Test, Case Determination and Test Data Preparation, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Performance Testing, Acceptance Testing, Installation Testing, Alpha and Beta Testing, Testing philosophies, White Box testing, Black Box testing, Tread Testing, Stress Testing, Load Testing, Volume Testing, Test Documentation, Inspection techniques, Fagan Inspections.

Suggested Textbooks:
• Software Development by F.G. Duncan.
• Software Adoption and Maintenance by North & Holland.
• Software Development by Cliff B. Jones.

Course Name : Project - III
Pre-requisite : Software Project Demonstration Skills
Credit Hours : 0 + 4

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